DEV Community

Discussion on: Less Javascript, more HTML and CSS

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Matt Levy

I do strongly believe that a knowledge and awareness of the target platform will result in better choices. The W3C have a comprehensive process for evaluating and including standards for browsers to implement. These standards are what applications should target. Whilst many do not agree with web components but do follow standards such as HTML and CSS3, I often wonder why? If the web component APIs were a carefully considered platform API, why are they dismissed so quickly? Wouldn't libraries become naturally lighter when adopting native APIs internally whilst offering the same gains in developer productivity?

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Vitaly Rtishchev

You are missing the key point – business value, as I said before, web components do not provide any advantage when compared to other tools and usually they are even harder to work with.

Let's take react for example. I believe that engineers that worked on it at fb are not stupid and the decision to build library on top of virtual dom and jsx was not made in one day. When building something this huge you need to appeal to largest possible audience. Everybody know html and javascript – everybody know 80% of react before even starting. This provides better DX, larger community and business value.

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Matt Levy

Business value is a broad argument - it depends on what that value delivers. In my organisation, we have dozens and dozens of products all built over many years using a range of technologies. Modernisation, building new products, support, developer skills (and more) all have an influence on delivering business value. Most of these products are web applications and therefore aligning to standards will offer the most business value - this is very contextual and organisations/strategies vary so business value is a broad comparison.