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Flanagan Kjeldgaard
Flanagan Kjeldgaard

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Unraveling Precisely how Tumor-Derived Galectins Contribute to Anti-Cancer Defenses Disappointment.

Since March 2020, a rapid increase has been observed in the prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has essentially resulted from increased disease transmission and intensified testing and reporting. this website for the prevention and treatment of the COVID-19 pandemic have been frequently updated. Such guidelines assist the governmental regulatory bodies in taking optimal measures and safeguarding their citizens against the pandemic. We conducted a short survey with a Saudi cohort to understand the awareness about COVID-19 and estimate the responses for mitigation strategies.

An electronic survey was conducted, and the first 388 responses were analysed for publishing an initial report. The questionnaire comprised 27 items and was divided into three sections, namely demographic, awareness, and response to mitigation strategies and participants' self-perceived behaviours regarding COVID-19. The perceptions of the participants were compared with their responses to mitigation measures.

In our study, 89.7% understood the meaning of pandemic, while 82.2% correctly identified that the elderly belonged to a high-risk group for the COVID-19 infection. As many as 96.1% agreed that staying at home was one of the mitigation strategies. Nearly 35% preferred self-medication. Higher educational level (OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.02-4.29) and longer working hours were found to be significantly associated with a positive response to mitigation measures with
<0.04 and
<0.02, respectively.

We report better understanding and appropriate response to mitigation measures towards the COVID-19 pandemic among the general population in KSA. Nevertheless, the tendency towards self-medication was reported by one-third of the responders.
We report better understanding and appropriate response to mitigation measures towards the COVID-19 pandemic among the general population in KSA. Nevertheless, the tendency towards self-medication was reported by one-third of the responders.
There is a general perception that limiting emissions of carbon dioxide will be sufficient to avoid catastrophic climate change. The reality could well be that the many of the world's wealthy coastal cities which historically developed as ports will be inundated repeatedly to disappear eventually below the sea, with large swathes of the earth being flooded. Other major conurbations may cease to be liveable without air conditioning, while large numbers of people could well starve as a result of disruption of ecosystems. To the extent that this possibility is recognized, it is nevertheless perceived as a gradual process with the worst results in a distance future with any sea-level rise a gradual process. Limiting emissions is unlikely to be sufficient, because the level of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is now much higher than ever before since humans started to exploit fossil fuels. We know this from the study of ancient air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores. There is a lack of balance between the energy transmitted by the incoming sunlight and the earth's outgoing infrared heat radiation. So far this imbalance is absorbed by the enormous thermal mass of the oceans. As to the speed of sea-level rise, a period of extremely rapid sea-level rise of about 1.4cm per year has occurred in the prehistoric past and disintegration of ice sheets as is happening currently may well be a plausible explanation of this fact. In fact, it is straightforward to create substantial amounts of negative emissions of carbon dioxide. Nevertheless, making it happen will require an unprecedented degree of global cooperation, a high level of taxation on the extraction of coal and crude oil, and the use of pressurized liquid petrol gas as aviation fuel.

The global scientific community has intensified efforts to develop, test, and commercialize pharmaceutical products to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Trials for both antivirals and vaccines are in progress; candidates include existing repurposed drugs that were originally developed for other ailments. Once these are shown to be effective, their production will need to be ramped up rapidly to keep pace with the growing demand as the pandemic progresses. #link# It is highly likely that the drugs will be in short supply in the interim, which leaves policymakers and medical personnel with the difficult task of determining how to allocate them. Under such conditions, mathematical models can provide valuable decision support. In particular, useful models can be derived from process integration techniques that deal with tight resource constraints. In this paper, a linear programming model is developed to determine the optimal allocation of COVID-19 drugs that minimizes patient fatalities, taking into account additional hospital capacity constraints. Two hypothetical case studies are solved to illustrate the computational capability of the model, which can generate an allocation plan with outcomes that are superior to simple ad hoc allocation.
In silico analysis is the most important approach to understand protein structure and functions, and the most important problem for designing and producing a fusion construct is producing large amounts of functional protein. Clostridium perfringens type A and Clostridium septicum produce alpha (plc) and alpha toxins respectively. C. perfringens can cause gas gangrene and gastrointestinal diseases. C. septicum can cause traumatic and non-traumatic gas gangrene. The aim of current research was in silico analysis of a chimeric fusion protein against C. perfringens type A and C. septicum alpha toxins. Firstly, the chimeric fusion gene was designed according to nucleotide sequences of C. perfringens type A alpha (KY584046.1) and C. septicum alpha (JN793989.2) toxin genes and then its fusion protein is constructed by amino acid sequences of C. perfringens type A and C. septicum alpha toxins. Secondly, online software was used to determine prediction of secondary and tertiary structures and physicochemical characteristics of the fusion protein. Finally, the validation of the fusion protein was confirmed by Rampage and proSA program. The designed fusion protein has 777 amino acids in length. TASSER server and physicochemical parameters are showed C-score = - 2.68 and molecular weight = 87.9 KD respectively. Rampage and proSA software revealed the fusion protein is valid. Deposited accession number for the sequence of the fusion gene in the GenBank is MK908396. The designed fusion protein is valid and functional. Thus, the fusion gene could be used for clone and expression in a proper prokaryotic cell and also as a recombinant vaccine candidate.Bluetooth (BT) data has been extensively used for recognizing social patterns and inferring social networks, as BT is widely present in everyday technological devices. However, even though collecting BT data is subject to random noise and may result in substantial measurement errors, there is an absence of rigorous procedures for validating the quality of the inferred BT social networks. This paper presents a methodology for inferring and validating BT-based social networks based on parameter optimization algorithm and social network analysis (SNA). The algorithm performs edge inference in a brute-force search over a given BT data set, for deriving optimal BT social networks by validating them with predefined ground truth (GT) networks. The algorithm seeks to optimize a set of parameters, predefined considering some reliability challenges associated to the BT technology itself. The outcomes show that optimizing the parameters can reduce the number of BT data false positives or generate BT networks with the minimum amount of BT data observations. The subsequent SNA shows that the inferred BT social networks are unable to reproduce some network characteristics present in the corresponding GT networks. Finally, the generalizability of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by applying the algorithm on external BT data sets, while obtaining comparable results.Face detection perceives great importance in surveillance paradigm and security paradigm areas. Face recognition is the technique to identify a person identity after face detection. Extensive research has been done on these topics. Another important research problem is to detect concealed faces, especially in high-security places like airports or crowded places like concerts and shopping centres, for they may prevail security threat. Also, in order to help effectively in preventing the spread of Coronavirus, people should wear masks during the pandemic especially in the entrance to hospitals and medical facilities. Surveillance systems in medical facilities should issue warnings against unmasked people. This paper presents a novel technique for concealed face detection based on complexion detection to challenge a concealed face assumption. link2 The proposed algorithm first determine of the existence of a human being in the surveillance scene. Head and shoulder contour will be detected. The face will be clustered to cluster patches. Then determination of presence or absent of human skin will be determined. We proposed a hybrid approach that combines normalized RGB (rgb) and the YCbCr space color. This technique is tested on two datasets; the first one contains 650 images of skin patches. The second dataset contains 800 face images. The algorithm achieves an average detection rate of 97.51% for concealed faces. Also, it achieved a run time comparable with existing state-of-the-art concealed face detection systems that run in real time.Studies on activity rhythms are pivotal for the management of invasive alien species, as they provide basic insights into species basic ecology and may increase the success of control programs. The coypu Myocastor coypus, introduced from South America for fur farms, has become one of the most invasive rodents in Europe. Introduced coypus may affect crop productions, as well as natural vegetation and the breeding success of wading birds. link3 In this study, we examined activity data collected through intensive camera-trapping in three Italian areas, including two natural areas in Northern and Central Italy, and a suburban area in Central Italy. Coypus were mostly diurnal in areas characterised by low predator pressure and, at night, they are mostly active in bright moonlight. Conversely, where predators, human pressure or numerical control programmes are present, coypus remarkably shift their behaviour towards crepuscular and night hours. In these last areas, nocturnal activity increased as moonlight decreased, possibly to reduce predation risk or encounters with humans. Where winter temperature are low, diurnal habits may have developed as a physiological adaptation and a strategy to preserve energy, potentially achieving a cost/effective thermal balance.In the last couple decades, several viral outbreaks resulting in epidemics and pandemics with thousands of human causalities have been witnessed. The current Covid-19 outbreak represents an unprecedented crisis. In stopping the virus' spread, it is fundamental to have personal protective equipment and disinfected surfaces. Here, the development of a TiO2 nanowires (TiO2NWs) based filter is reported, which it is believed will work extremely well for personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as for a new generation of air conditioners and air purifiers. Its efficiency relies on the photocatalytic generation of high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon UV illumination, and on a particularly high dielectric constant of TiO2, which is of paramount importance for enhanced wettability by the water droplets carrying the germs. The filter pore sizes can be tuned by processing TiO2NWs into filter paper. The kilogram-scale production capability of TiO2NWs gives credibility to its massive application potentials.this website

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