DEV Community

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Front-end Developer

Location Albania Joined Joined on  github website
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Building Scalable React Applications: Design Patterns and Architecture

Building Scalable React Applications: Design Patterns and Architecture

3 min read

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Effective State Management in React: Comparing Redux, Context API, and Recoil

Effective State Management in React: Comparing Redux, Context API, and Recoil

2 min read
Embracing Simplicity in Software Development: A Realistic Approach

Embracing Simplicity in Software Development: A Realistic Approach

Comments 1
2 min read
Building a File Encryptor with ReactJS, Express, and TailwindCSS: A Journey into Data Security

Building a File Encryptor with ReactJS, Express, and TailwindCSS: A Journey into Data Security

Comments 2
5 min read
Building a Web Scraper with React.js, Express and TailwindCSS: A Journey into Data Collection

Building a Web Scraper with React.js, Express and TailwindCSS: A Journey into Data Collection

4 min read
Unleashing Creativity with React JS: A Guide to Unique and Interactive Web Experiences

Unleashing Creativity with React JS: A Guide to Unique and Interactive Web Experiences

5 min read
Mastering S.O.L.I.D Principles in React: Easy Examples and Best Practices

Mastering S.O.L.I.D Principles in React: Easy Examples and Best Practices

Comments 39
3 min read