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Configuring Hyper Terminal in Windows

Afroze Kabeer Khan. M on July 22, 2018

So what is hyper? Hyper is a highly extensible & customisable 📝, electron based terminal application for cross platform. So, I'll share how...
fhtunderwoodii profile image
Thomas R. Underwood II

The only thing preventing this from being a great article is the lack of explanation or examples provided for setting up oh-my-git on Windows.

omorfaruque_of profile image
Omor Faruque

It would be great if you can elaborate it with a detailed explanation on how did you installed oh my git on windows and how did you configure it with git bash.
Hope you will provide us this info, it will be a great help for us.

droidmakk profile image
Afroze Kabeer Khan. M

Hey, Hi. I installed Fira Code font. Changed the font family for bash in config and customized the PS1 variable.

omorfaruque_of profile image
Omor Faruque • Edited

How did you customize the PS1 variable? Cause I have 0 knowledge on shell script so I don't know what part to change plus I have read the oh-my-git installation guide there I couldn't find anything on how to install it on windows and integrate with git bash.

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dnyy profile image

I'm not quite there yet either but i found this helpful:

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loctran016 profile image

Did you mean that I should add something like this source $HOME/oh-my-git/ to C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\

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loctran016 profile image

I've figured this out.
First you have to clone oh-my-git:

cd c:/
git clone
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then add this line to your C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\

source c:/oh-my-git/
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
guptaji6 profile image
Ayush Gupta

Hey, Afroze!

This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for sharing your setup.

I'm facing a problem. My current setup looks like this.

Current Hyper Setup

It doesn't show the path of directory like your terminal does. I think that's because of PS1 you edited of Git Bash.

How do I do that on Windows?

Also, how do I setup oh-my-git on Windows?

droidmakk profile image
Afroze Kabeer Khan. M • Edited

You can use this link to set PS1 variable on your git bash.

Find your config file here
C:\Program Files\Git\etc\profile.d\

zayrtun profile image
Zayar Tun

Hi did you get it to work?

guptaji6 profile image
Ayush Gupta

Not yet. It's still the same as looks in screenshot.

mvais profile image
Vais Mahendran

This is really cool, thanks for sharing.

I'm struggling to properly display the git branch like you have, as I'm unable to display the symbols. I have Fira Code installed and set, can you share what values you edited in the PS1 of git bash?

jeromescuggs profile image
andrew snow

you'll want to find a version of fira code that has been patched with 'powerline characters' - powerline is the name of a prompt style which i guess popularized the use of these stylistic additions.

a quick google gave me this patched version:

besides that, this is what i use to quickly setup a batch of pre-patched fonts:

akhilalekha profile image

I wanted to change the font to Ubuntu Mono, I installed the font and changed it on hyper but I get this ugly font every time I try to change it. It's as if it won't accept anything other than the default font! :-/

likelocusts profile image

How did you set the style of your git-bash?
Does oh-my-git work on windows too?

droidmakk profile image
Afroze Kabeer Khan. M

That you can configure separately for git-bash. Yes oh-my-git works its just the font fira-code does the magic!

joelbellido profile image

Hi friend, I'm trying to configure the PS1 without success, could you please help me

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droidmakk profile image
Afroze Kabeer Khan. M

Can you share your PS1 you've configured

azrizhaziq profile image
Azriz Jasni

Thank you sir, your config save my life

joelbellido profile image

Hi friend, I'm trying to configure the PS1 without success, could you please help me

joelbellido profile image

Hi friend, I'm trying to configure the PS1 without success, could you please help me