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Discussion on: SpaceInvaders with only JavaScript and CSS!

drmandible profile image

Oh good call on the emoji characters. I bet that is even better performance.

Currently I'm importing them as ReactComponents and using inline styling + styled components. That allows me to access everything in the svg while using the React state management. Works out pretty well so far in small tests, though I confess handling the context of the variables has been a bit of a headache.

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nicolalc profile image

Are you working with arrow functions? These functions could help you with variable scope a lot. In React I use only these function to propagate the scope of the component into its functions like render.

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drmandible profile image

I am but I'm still learning too. When I import a React component I'm often unable to access the variables inside that component and I don't know why or when that happens. I'm sure it's something obvious.

My ideal developers environment would have a color coded graph of all my variables, where they were declared, their current values, and what their scope is. Passing values - especially state/context - are an endless source of frustration for this budding developer. I find myself making bloated functions just so I can write something without having to stop and debug for an hour just to pass state.

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nicolalc profile image

I think you might not access the component variable, but you must define variables as component properties, and set them when you declare a component instance.

For example:

interface WelcomeProps = {
  name: string;
  color: string;
class Welcome extends React.Component<WelcomeProps> {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    const {props} = this;
    return <h1 color={props.color || '#000'}>Hello, {}</h1>;
const element = <Welcome name="Mario" color="red" />;

You don't need to access to the component variables if you only need to keep it dynamic, use react props to handle component variations.

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drmandible profile image

Thanks! This gives me something to chew on. I keep seeing articles that are refactoring the kind of code you're showing me into hooks and ditching the constructor and super props. So I haven't even looked into that functionality because I've been trying to use hooks for everything. But perhaps yours is the more straightforward way.

I see you're using typescript too. I should probably start doing that.

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nicolalc profile image

I think typescript is a must, If you don't know JS well it could be a mess to handle. Also, the major frameworks (and not) like Angular, React and Vue uses Typescript as the default language. It could lead you to a fantastic Object-driven Javascript world, where you can reduce the size of your written code and improve your code without wasting time debugging around for hours!

I suggest you to start with the tutorials here and to learn also what nodejs is and how to use it. Take a look also on what npm is and what is a node package before starting with typescript.

I'm creating a TS version of this SpaceInvaders to improve the project readability.

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drmandible profile image

Awesome! I've hooked up a node.js backend to my react app as a test / proof of concept. It's a hassle. So anything to make that easier is fantastic.