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A Tale of Two Swans

This story was written along time ago to then a special someone. I accidently found it whilst I was cleaing out a really old inbox that I wanted to reuse cause I am still attached to my email addy.... So anyways, I though this might be worth sharing, hope you enjoy.

A Tale of Two Swans

A lone swan was paddling around a loch, this loch found in the remotes gully in the deepest provience of the scottish mountain range that spaned across the entire breadth of the country, composing of the most tretcherious of mountains that rose for miles and miles in to the sky. The peaks were always obscured by the clouds which formed around their waist, prevented birds from getting to close.

The high wold, an inhospitable enviroment which made our loch in which our lone swan inhabited, a gem. Isolated, from all bird kind. He was content, his routine. Allowed to express himself, as he saw fit with out fear of ridicule and humiliation. Similar to the type that made him flew away his home pond, to this reclusive habitat where he felt safe.

Springs lead to summers. And the surround valley would shine a fresh green energy from the vegetation on to the loch surface. Hectares or heather, wild linchin, lillies, and algal blooms. All manner of plant life would awaken in the sunlight. So would his own sense of self worth, and it would uncontrollingly beam out of this swan, the surrounding colours aggitated by the pulsing cool light that would awaken the gully.

On a day like today, he sits out in the middle of the loch, perfectly still, staring out into infinity. He sits their reflecting a brilliant white light accross the loch.

Up high, another lone swan was surfing the startoshpere, desprate for rest, for comfort, for safety. Her mind begins to wonder, in head flight, she would delve into her darkest moments. The instensity of her feelings would supress her ability to beat those powerfull wings, she gradually began to fall from the heavens.

Still far away in her mind, she loses all control of her tragectory, she plumets, faster, and faster she falls, through the giant white clouds she drops, rapidly grownin in size. It's the peaks of the high wold, the impervious mountain range, thousands of miles away from her origin, she shreaks a cry out into the air.

Her fear grips her, she falters, she readjusts her decent. She fails. She cracks her powerful wing on one of the peaks. Her balance and flight escape her. She countinues her fall, rolling down the steep slope of the mountain. She comes crashing into the water.

As he sat their, he thought he heard a shreak of a swan in despair, he tried to find out what cause it from his position. He instinctively dismissd it as a trick of his mind brought forth by his isolation. Imagine another swan. Beautful, and elegant. She can go paddleing with him across his loch, enjoy the confort of his home together. Again he dismissd these feelings instantly.

As he returnd back to his somber, he felt a massive distrubance on the water surface.Immediately he leaps into action. Within two fast wingbeats, he is accross the water to the source, and thats where he saw her.

A fallen swan, surrounded in the thick tall grass by the loch edge, she is whimpering, her wing; it looks broken. A feeling instantly grew within out swan. Shy, he watch's her torment, for a breif second, he was scared. Then she saw him, their dark pitless eyes locked with each other. And without thought, doubt or even impluse he drifted over to her.

She was terrified. Her ordeal left her battered broken, confused and scared. Now their was this spleidid white bull, coing towards her, instantly she felt removed from her discomfort. She was unexpected happy at seeing another swan. One who whithout question or request came and empathised with her. Gueninue she thought, safe she felt. He scooped her under his wing. And sat next to her. While she recovered. No need for introductions no need to exchange formailites. She needed him, and he knew he needed her.

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