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Okere Chibuike
Okere Chibuike

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HNGi8:It all begins with a small step...


Hello, They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. My name is Okere Chibuike and i am participating in the I4G x HNGi8 a remote tech internship which has officially kicked off and we have already been given our first task which is to write this article/blog.

They said this blog would act as my "accountability partner" and I have to do it to be able to move to stage 2.

I applied for the Frontend track which includes but not limited to HTML, CSS, Javascript and ReactJs. This article is going to be in 2 sections. Section 1 is for my goal and what i want to achieve from the I4G x HNGi8 and Section 2 is for beginner tutorials on various technologies.

Section 1

My Goals

My goal/aim is pretty simple which is to reach the final, get the famous HNG branded T-shirt and put the tag "HNG finalist" on all my bios. Lol funny right?

Achievements after 8 weeks.

  • Make meaningful connections because I deeply believe so much in networking.
  • Gain valuable work experience and become a better team player.

  • Develop and refine my present skills and the skills i would learn during the internship.

  • Gain confidence because i know how much of it that I'm lacking.

  • Be a better all round developer than I was at the beginning of this internship.

Section 2

click on the image to watch the video on YouTube

Beginners tutorial on Javascript

JS Tutorial

Beginners tutorial on Figma.

figma Tutorial

Beginners tutorial on GIT.

Git Tutorial

Beginners tutorial on HTML.

HTML Tutorial

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