DEV Community

Dan Carpenter
Dan Carpenter

Posted on

Street tree app for DO hackathon

What I built

An R Shiny app exploring the benefits of street trees.

Category Submission:

Programme for the people

App Link



An app exploring the benefits of planting trees in my street, including carbon sequestration and pollution removal

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License


My street only has two trees, but I think it should have more. Trees are great at storing and sequestering carbon as well as removing pollution from the air. More trees would make the street environment much better. The app explores how many trees could be planted and their benefits.

How I built it

I used Shiny in R to create the app and deployed to the app platform with a Dockerfile. I learned a lot about Dockerfiles in deploying this app.

Additional Resources/Info

See for more details on how I built this app.

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