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Discussion on: Types as propositions, programs as proofs

drbearhands profile image

I'd like to first clarify a few things for other readers, you seem to be quite ahead of what I expected for my intended audience :-)

Sum-types are essentially disjunctions / enum types. If you have two types A and B, which can have respectively a and b number of values, their sum-type (disjunction / enum type / union) C can have a + b values, hence the name.

Similarly, product types (conjunction / tuples) can have a * b values because any combination of an A and a B is valid.

I am not intimately familiar with Java and C#, so they might have a "declarative mode" I just don't know about, in which case please do correct me. In my memories of Java, it was rather simple to cause an unhandled exception, e.g. ArrayOutOfBounds. But I will assume there is a 'safe mode' where you must handle all exceptions.

In this case, you are right in saying that exceptions are part of the type system and shouldn't be considered a side effect. If exceptions would have been the only side effect, that would make the language declarative! (You can look at SAC for an imperative looking but declarative language)

However, we still have hidden state in the form of static variables
and non-const, non-unique, references. That's essentially the p ∧ r → q example.

f = p -> (q or e) where e is thrown exception simply becomes f = (p or e) -> (q or e)

Now you're thinking with Monads :-)

rrampage profile image
Raunak Ramakrishnan

In Java, there are checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions. Checked ones can be caught in the code, unchecked ones like the ArrayOutOfBounds result in a Runtime exception. Runtime exceptions do not have to be caught i.e code will compile fine if you ignore them. OTOH, checked exceptions have to be caught.

You are right in that I had not considered global variables. I was thinking that they can also be added to the type signature
f = ((p and s) or e) -> ((q and s) or e) where s is all state variables. But I can see that there is too much pollution occurring with these additions.

Regarding functional languages like Haskell, how do they handle fatal errors like machine getting out of memory or being sent a kill -9 signal? Is that also built into the type system?

Finally, is there any book you can recommend for getting better at Functional programming? I tried Learn You a Haskell but after 5 chapters I kind of never got back into it.

Now you're thinking with Monads :-)

I'll need to learn FP to understand what that means :)

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drbearhands profile image

I was thinking that they can also be added to the type signature [...]

Sure! That's what you would do in declarative languages.

Regarding functional languages like Haskell, how do they handle fatal errors like machine getting out of memory or being sent a kill -9 signal? Is that also built into the type system?

The functional part of a program is just declarations, so it doesn't really 'run'. Because of this it can't run out of memory or be interrupted either. That all happens in the runtime, IO Monad, or similar imperative structure, which can indeed crash in the ways you mentioned.

If the entire system were purely functional it'd be a different story, but I'm not aware of such systems existing in reality.

I'll need to learn FP to understand what that means :)

You seem to have the right mindset to apply FP in practice. Learning the formal definition of a Monad can wait a bit. I have a post planned for it in the future.

is there any book you can recommend for getting better at Functional programming?

Unfortunately no, I personally don't learn well from books at all. Most of my uni books were left unopened.

Learning Elm can be a good starting point, see the guide and the beginners' slack channel

Haskell and Idris certainly have more features, but those very same features can get in the way of understanding the basics. Their type systems for instance use more than just propositional logic (another subject for the future).