DEV Community

Discussion on: MVPs and Iterating Your Way to a Finished Product

drbearhands profile image

There's an interesting argument to be made against MVP in favor of SLC. I've fallen into this trap myself, by focusing on making something that works rather than something with added value. In essence, I was lacking the 'Lovable' part.

Going open source is something you can do regardless of achieving MVP or SLC status :-)

tiffany profile image

This is an interesting take on this. Thanks for the link.

zhu48 profile image
Zuodian Hu

I like the focus on having a usability mindset. Shipping a finished, but unusable (not lovable) product seems like it would hurt your brand.

tiffany profile image

Your product should be usable. If not, why ship it? My problem was feature creep and being overwhelmed by the scope of the project. It shouldn't have taken so long, to be honest. I have one more critical feature to build and until that is built, it won't be shipped. Hoping for Monday but if that feature isn't there, it won't be shipped.