DEV Community

Discussion on: 6 Mistakes You Might Be Making As A New Web Developer & How To Avoid Them

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Drawcard • Edited

Bootstrap, jQuery and other frameworks aren't necessarily bad things - in fact it was through using jQuery for years that I ended up getting deeper into Javascript, eventually learning how to write vanilla code to create slideshows, animations etc. and supplanting the need for jQuery.

jQuery is still used in reputable systems like WordPress, and you can compile your own version to strip out all the functions you don't need, so it's less heavy (as you can with Bootstrap).

The thing that does suck about Bootstrap is you get locked into a mentality of adding tons of classes to divs, expecting a certain result to happen. You often end up with a rabbit warren of nested divs & spans, loaded with heaps of non semantic class names, that make it a headache to debug and maintain. (Atomic frameworks are even worse...) And never substitute Sass for learning and writing good quality CSS - Sass is great and all but if you can't compile, you can't publish.

Besides all that, I view these frameworks and tools as starting points for new devs to get their head around core concepts, and then push forward into deeper understanding when the time is right.