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Generate Fixtures for DBD::Mock::Session

A while ago I discovered DBD::Mock and it looked like a great tool to use in Perl unit tests. However the challenge of generating the fixtures was not always easy.
In order to solve this issue I have put together a small library that should help generate the fixture data needed.
At the core this very simple, I have mocked DBI subs in order to capture the necessary information and stored it into a file:
The first step was to generate an override object and store it on $self:

package DBD::Mock::Session::GenerateFixtures;
use Sub::Override;

our $override           = Sub::Override->new();
sub new {
 $self->{override}      = $override;
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Then we can use this to mock DBI code like in the following example:

sub _override_dbi_execute {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $dbi_execute = shift;

    my $orig_execute = \&$dbi_execute;

        sub {
            my ($sth, @args) = @_;

            my $sql = $sth->{Statement};

            my $col_names = $sth->{NAME};
            my $retval    = $orig_execute->($sth, @args);

            my $rows       = $sth->rows();
            my $query_data = {
                statement    => $sql,
                bound_params => \@args,
                col_names    => $col_names,

            my $result = [];
            if ($rows > 0) {
                foreach my $row (1 .. $rows) {
                    push @{$result}, [];
                $query_data->{results} = $result;

            $query_data->{bound_params} = $self->{bind_params}
                if scalar @{$self->{bind_params}} > 0;

            push @{$self->{result}}, $query_data;
            $self->{bind_params} = [];
            $self->{sth}         = $sth;
            return $retval;

    return $self;

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This code works for do or prepare and execute when you are trying to mock insert, update or delete statements like is this example:

subtest 'upsert generate mock data' => sub {
    my $dbh = db_handle('test.db');


    my $obj = DBD::Mock::Session::GenerateFixtures->new({dbh => $dbh});
    $dbh = $obj->get_dbh();

    my $sql_license = <<"SQL";
INSERT INTO licenses (name, allows_commercial) VALUES ( ?, ? )

    chomp $sql_license;
    my $r = $dbh->do($sql_license, undef, 'test_license', 'no');
    is($r, 1, 'one row inserted is ok');

    my $update_sql = 'update licenses set allows_commercial = ? where id > ?';
    $r = $dbh->do($update_sql, undef, 'yes', '3');
    is($r, 2, 'update works ok');

    $r = $dbh->do($update_sql, undef, 'yes', '100');

    is($r, '0E0', 'now rows updated');

    my $delete_sql = 'DELETE FROM licenses WHERE id = ?';
    my $sth        = $dbh->prepare($delete_sql);

    is($sth->rows(), 1, 'delete with prepare and execute is ok');


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The the following data is stored in a Json file:

      "statement" : "INSERT INTO licenses (name, allows_commercial) VALUES ( ?, ? )",
      "results" : [
      "col_names" : [],
      "bound_params" : [
      "bound_params" : [
      "statement" : "update licenses set allows_commercial = ? where id > ?",
      "col_names" : [],
      "results" : [
      "col_names" : [],
      "statement" : "update licenses set allows_commercial = ? where id > ?",
      "bound_params" : [
      "statement" : "DELETE FROM licenses WHERE id = ?",
      "col_names" : [],
      "results" : [
      "bound_params" : [
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Please observe how the results key is populate with an empty array for each row touched by our statement and it is ready to be used when a DBD::Mock::Session object is built.
For select statements you need a extra layer of mocking in order to store the exact values a select could use.
Here is how the mock for fetchrow_hashref looks like:

sub _override_dbi_fetchrow_hashref {
    my $self             = shift;
    my $fetchrow_hashref = shift;

    my $orig_selectrow_hashref = \&$fetchrow_hashref;

        sub {
            my ($sth) = @_;

            my $retval = $orig_selectrow_hashref->($sth);

            if (ref $retval) {
                my $query_results = $self->_set_hashref_response($sth, $retval);
                push @{$self->{result}->[-1]->{results}}, $query_results;

            return $retval;

    return $self;

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This produces the following data by pushing the each row in the result key:

      "statement" : "SELECT * FROM media_types WHERE id IN(?,?)",
      "col_names" : [
      "results" : [
      "bound_params" : [
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Form this point one I just need to make sure that every way in which DBI lets you get the data is covered by my code. In the end I end it mocking the following subs:

Readonly::Hash my %MOCKED_DBI_METHODS => (
    execute            => 'DBI::st::execute',
    bind_param         => 'DBI::st::bind_param',
    fetchrow_hashref   => 'DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref',
    fetchrow_arrayref  => 'DBI::st::fetchrow_arrayref',
    fetchrow_array     => 'DBI::st::fetchrow_array',
    selectall_arrayref => 'DBI::db::selectall_arrayref',
    selectall_hashref  => 'DBI::db::selectall_hashref',
    selectcol_arrayref => 'DBI::db::selectcol_arrayref',
    selectrow_array    => 'DBI::db::selectrow_array',
    selectrow_arrayref => 'DBI::db::selectrow_arrayref',
    selectrow_hashref  => 'DBI::db::selectrow_hashref',
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If you want to give this a try you can get the full code from this url:

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