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The Struggling Dev
The Struggling Dev

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Struggeling Dev Takes Notes

Why and how I take notes.

At work I often have to switch tasks. I try to minimize task switches, but they happen. On my side projects, more often than not, quite some time passes before I can pick them up again.
In both cases, adopting the habit of taking notes has helped me to be more efficient and lose less time getting back up to speed.


I like to take Markdown notes. The format is simple, but expressive enough. The notes are still readable with a simple text editor. To most satisfying setup for me is Jetbrains CLion.


  • Reproducibility: for others or for yourself
  • Knowledge Base/Saving Time: I sometimes encounter the same error some time later. You always meet twice in life, this also applies to errors. There've been numerous times where I encountered an error and knew that I had fixed it before. A short search for the error message over my notes has saved me time so many times.;)
  • Start where you've left off: I switch tasks quite often at work - although I try to minimize it as much as I can. Taking notes helps me to get back into the flow faster. And even if I can avoid task switching, there's always the next day, or Mondays. Side note: Speaking of next day. One thing I changed doing over time was stopping in the middle of tasks. You know the "I'll just finish this and then I'll quit for the day.". I stopped doing this. It's much easier for me to resume a task I left unfinished the day before. I gives me some momentum for the new day and I can often start the day by completing a task. This point is even more important for me in my side projects. Sometimes multiple weeks pass, before I resume working on some project.
  • Bonus: You already have a rough blog post.



  • readable and writable with every text editor
  • easy syntax for enough basic formatting
  • Styleable (CSS)
  • comparable (Source Control)
  • "extensions" for math, sequence diagrams - purists might not like this


  • I currently use the Markdown plugin for CLion and PyCharm. It's nice to only have one application.
  • Bear
  • Checkout Visual Studio Code


  • For Python: Jupyter (which is also Markdown)
  • Commit Messages: severely limited formatting
  • Simple RFC-style text files, also done this. But especially for GameDev it's nice to be able to embed images
  • HTML
  • Word, ...

In the end it doesn't matter, what ever is feature-rich enough for the use case and easy enough so that taking notes doesn't distract from the actual work.

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