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Isomorphic + Rollup + Package.json

Isomorphic + Rollup + Package.json

It took me a while to piece this all together, so I'm mainly posting these notes here for myself as I go along.

We want same code for nodejs and the browser, so in package.json we set:

// package.json
"main": "dist/index.js",
"browser": "lib/index.browser.js"
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But maybe we want both ES and UMD modules available to the browser user, so we break browser out:

// package.json -  browser expanded
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "module": "dist/index.esm.js",
    "dist/index.js": "dist/index.browser.js",
    "dist/index.esm.js": "dist/index.browser.esm.js"
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Now, depending on how the user imports the package, will determine what file they get. If they use index.js from nodejs the user will get dist/index.js but if they use index.js from the browser they will get dist/index.browser.js!

Make the files

We can use Rollupjs to make these files

// rollup.config.js
import pkg from './package.json'
export default [
    // browser-friendly builds
        input: 'src/main.js',
        output: [{
            name: 'myPkgName',
            file: pkg.browser['dist/index.js'], // from package.json
            format: 'umd'
            file: pkg.browser['dist/index.esm.js'], // from package.json
            format: 'es'
        plugins: [
            resolve(), // so Rollup can bundle modules
                exclude: ['node_modules/**']
            commonjs(), // so Rollup can convert to ES module

    // CommonJS (for Node) and ES module (for bundlers) build.
    // (We could have three entries in the configuration array
    // instead of two, but it's quicker to generate multiple
    // builds from a single configuration where possible, using
    // an array for the `output` option, where we can specify 
    // `file` and `format` for each target)
        input: 'src/main.js',
        output: [
            { file: pkg.main, format: 'cjs' }, // from package.json
            { file: pkg.module, format: 'es' } // from package.json
        plugins: [
                exclude: ['node_modules/**']
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Use the ES Module

Now that you have an ES module, you can import it into your code

import NamedExport from 'myCoolModule'
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Bundle your code (again) with Rollup in the same way, perhaps using a front end framework like Svelte.

// bundled output from a framework, like Svelte
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Now that you have all these modules, and they are bundled into the code, they can also be used for cool things like code-splitting and dynamic imports.

// index.html
<!-- This standard way only works if the browser 
is modern and supports dynamic imports -->
<script defer type="module" src='/build/main.js'></script>      
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Dynamic Import an ES module in any browser

Use dimport:

<!-- -->
<script defer type="module" src=""

<script defer type="nomodule" src="" 

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Dynamic Imports
Svelte Code Splitting
Svelte Code Splitting without Sapper
Code Splitting Routify
Target based Dependency Transpiling
Package.json Browsr Swithcing
Pkg.json Browser Tests
Rollup Config: Multi-inputs
Rollup Config: babel

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