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Discussion on: Using CSS grid, flexbox and multi-columns layout to recreate the Daily Prophet

domitriusclark profile image

What were you using to learn Grid? I'm just delving into learning Grid to combine with Flex at work and am always looking for good stuff. Probably going to give Wes Bos' course a go :)

analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac • Edited

I usually read blog posts about it and then apply what I learned by creating some stuff on Codepen. In that way, I really soaked it in.

I also look up the MDN docs but sometimes I find it a bit confusing and hard to understand so I go to Smashing Mag cause their articles are usually very detailed which helped me understand it better.

They have released quite a lot of post series as well covering not just css grid and flexbox but also other layout modules available in the new specifications. You should check it out, you won't probably even need to take an online course after you read them unless of course if the course offers really advanced techniques on how to use it. So far, I haven't taken an online course about it yet but now that you mentioned it, I'll check out the available courses as well.:D

Also, writing about it helped me understand the concepts even better.:)

Update [Sep 18]: I discuss it with my senior as well so that also helps.