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Richard Dobroň
Richard Dobroň

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How to generate PHP enums from database in Laravel?

A magic number is a configuration parameter typed as a number in the middle of some code.

And that magic number is a bad thing.

Using this library, you will fix the following code:

To such:

How to use this generator?

First of all, install composer package:

composer require dobron/laravel-db-enum-generator
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Let's say the user_roles database table has the following structure:

Id Slug Role
3 MODERATOR Moderator
4 ADVERTISER Advertiser

Now call artisan command make:enum.

# with laravel model
php artisan make:enum UserRoleTypes --model=UserRole --id=Id --slug=Slug --title=Role

# with laravel model that does not have slug column (will be auto-generated from --title)
php artisan make:enum UserRoleTypes --model=UserRole --id=Id --title=Role

# with database table
php artisan make:enum UserRoleTypes --table=user_roles --id=Id --slug=Slug --title=Role

# etc.
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The UserRoleTypes.php file was generated in the ./app/enums/ directory.
If you update the database table, just use the same command with the --force flag to overwrite the file.

How to find magic numbers in the project?

I recommend using a library called PHPMND.

This stands for PHP Magic Number Detector.

A detailed installation guide can be found at

But if you're using Composer, here's how you can install it quickly:

composer require --dev povils/phpmnd
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Once that's done, you run it like this:

phpmnd .
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