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Cover image for Awesome flake8 extensions
Dmytro Litvinov
Dmytro Litvinov

Posted on

Awesome flake8 extensions

Hello everyone.
I would like to share with you awesome-flake8-extensions repository.

GitHub logo DmytroLitvinov / awesome-flake8-extensions

:octocat: A curated awesome list of flake8 extensions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓

Awesome Flake8 Extensions Awesome

A curated list of awesome flake8 extensions.

Inspired after reading a post.



Extensions with more than 20 rules inside.


Extensions for finding possible bugs.

  • flake8-2020 - Plugin which checks for misuse of sys.version or sys.version_info.
  • flake8-alfred - Alfred is a flake8 plugin to warn on unsafe/obsolete symbols.
  • flake8-async - A flake8 plugin that checks for bad async…

Feel free to contribute and have a nice day :)

Top comments (1)

luislones profile image

Great article! I have learned a lot and am adding a bunch of these plugins to my projects. The Best flake Extensions for Python Project . Spell To Forget Your Ex