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The neatest way to handle alert dialogs in React 🥰

Dmitriy Kovalenko on July 26, 2019

Time to read — 5 mins ☕️ Hola! Lazy dev here and we will talk about handling dialog alerts in react without tears 😢. If you are tired of tons of...
devhammed profile image
Hammed Oyedele • Edited


I have used this technique for 2 past React projects before ✌️✌️✌️

I used a global hook state manager that I created ( then renders my custom Material UI Dialog component near routes in App.js then all I have to do is to call the showModal action (I use React.useReducer) whenever I need to:

  title: "Hello",
  content: (<Typography>Hi</Typography>),
  actions: [] // buttons
dmtrkovalenko profile image
Dmitriy Kovalenko


tabrez96 profile image
Tabrez Basha

Cool, can you share some examples for your implementation?

devhammed profile image
Hammed Oyedele

The implementation is almost the same with the one in this post but I used use-global-hook instead of context (though it uses context under the hood too).

cargallo profile image

Hi there! Nice solution. It throws an error when you click in either cancelo or accept button of the dialog...

proxyConsole.js:64 Warning: Failed prop type: The prop children is marked as required in ForwardRef(DialogTitle), but its value is undefined.
in ForwardRef(DialogTitle) (created by WithStyles(ForwardRef(DialogTitle)))
in WithStyles(ForwardRef(DialogTitle)) (at ConfirmationDialog.tsx:34)
in div (created by ForwardRef(Paper))
in ForwardRef(Paper) (created by WithStyles(ForwardRef(Paper)))
in WithStyles(ForwardRef(Paper)) (created by ForwardRef(Dialog))
in div (created by Transition)
in Transition (created by ForwardRef(Fade))
in ForwardRef(Fade) (created by TrapFocus)
in TrapFocus (created by ForwardRef(Modal))
in div (created by ForwardRef(Modal))
in ForwardRef(Portal) (created by ForwardRef(Modal))
in ForwardRef(Modal) (created by ForwardRef(Dialog))
in ForwardRef(Dialog) (created by WithStyles(ForwardRef(Dialog)))....

cargallo profile image
cargallo • Edited

Auto answering this.... changing this line solves the problem.

<DialogTitle id="alert-dialog-title">{title ? title : ""}</DialogTitle>
onderonur profile image
Onur Önder

This is actually a really cool way to handle confirmations. The only minor problem is, when you press "agree" or "cancel", dialog content disappears just before the exit animation of the dialog completes. It creates some sort of a flickering effect. You need to watch carefully to see it, but if your exit animation duration is higher, you will end up with an empty dialog slowly fading away :)

Other than that, real cool way for confirmations and simple info dialogs!

sarat12 profile image
Taras Dymkar

So here is the fix of "flickering" effect which was caused by resetting the state before dialog is faded out.

sarat12 profile image
Taras Dymkar

Yeah, I'm not sure but looks like to solve this issue you need to reset confirmationState on material-ui`s Dialog onExited callback. And on close/submit just set "open" prop to false.

solflare profile image
solflare • Edited

I know it's a bit late but thanks for the post, I found it really helpful! I was wondering whether or not using this service across multiple components would trigger a rerender for any component using the context any time a component called the confirm function and it seemed like it did. I added a useCallback around the openConfirmation declaration (with a setConfirmationState dependency) and it seemed to do the trick. Can anyone verify that this is the right way to go about this?

jonlauridsen profile image
Jon Lauridsen

Thanks, clear and concise. I’d like to try this.

yanisouth profile image
YaniSouth • Edited

Hi, I did a copy of same code but I m getting this error, I hope you can help me.

( this doesn t allow me to upload image WHY GOD WHY?)

TypeScript error in C:/Projects/malachite/malachite-frontend/src/components/Modals/ConfirmationService.tsx(52,8):
Type '{ open: boolean; onSubmit: () => void; onClose: () => void; } | { catchOnCancel?: boolean | undefined; variant: "danger" | "info"; title: string; description: string; open: boolean; onSubmit: () => void; onClose: () => void; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & ConfirmationDialogProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.
Type '{ open: boolean; onSubmit: () => void; onClose: () => void; }' is missing the following properties from type 'ConfirmationDialogProps': variant, title, description TS2322

50 |       />
51 | 

52 | <ConfirmationDialog
| ^
53 | open={Boolean(confirmationState)}
54 | onSubmit={handleSubmit}
55 | onClose={handleClose}

nrudolph profile image
Nolan Rudolph

I literally just made an account to say you're incredible, and your tutorial is flawless. Thank you <3

sirmd profile image

Hello! If I try to nest the children props inside the Provider instead of passing it as a prop it return a TypeError: PromiseReject called on non-object. Anyone have an idea why??

tabrez96 profile image
Tabrez Basha

Is it possible to dynamically change the content of the dialog?
Example sandbox (will be ugly, but just for an example):

Basically, I would like to know if this kind of API would suit for a proper Modal.

louisshe profile image

This use react hook and does that mean we can only use this in function component not class component?

dmj2x profile image
David N

Did you ever find out?

solflare profile image

Just in case you're still wondering, class components can't use hooks.

bgopikrishna profile image
Gopi Krishna


ws333 profile image
Bjørnar Hvidsten

Great code! Thanks for sharing this, helped me alot geeting global modal functionality together.

johannlucas profile image
Johann Lucas

I had problems to understand all the code, .tsx parts got me confused. Do you have this code shared on some repo? I really want to use this solution.


ws333 profile image
Bjørnar Hvidsten

You can find the code in the embedded sandbox in the article,
but here is a direct link

mauriciord profile image
Mauricio Reatto Duarte

Great article! Congrats!!
When you've said that this would be possible using callback style, do you have an example?

aryanjnyc profile image
Aryan J

Great post. Thanks for the idea/inspiration. This is a beautiful implementation of confirmation dialogs.

cgatbespokenai profile image

nice! thanks!