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Automate Development Environment setup via PowerShell

As a developer when we setup new Development machine we spent lot of time on finding and installing packages manually, there are times when this task has to be repeated by multiple developers , so what can we do to reduce some of pain point.

One way is to still continue old school way and manually download and then install them or you can use following powershell script automate this process.

Following script I have used to setup my machine for generic Development Environment .

I have added commands to setup IIS as well because lot of folks in my team has to have same setting on IIS to run projects. You can ignore if you don`t need. Given script is quite straight forward , first of all you install chocolaty package and then let chocolaty handle all that manual hard work.

Here is list of software which will be installed via following script

  • Chocolaty
  • GIT client
  • IIS (all features which needs to be enabled for CP development )
  • Webdeploy
  • URL Rewrite
  • Notepad++
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Postman
  • Redis desktop manager
  • Zeplin
  • Service bus explorer

Before you run this script make sure to run power-shell in elevated mode .

There are some software which you have to manually install because either these software's are not available on chocolaty or needs user input (Microsoft Visual Studio, MS SQL Server )

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