DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you explain what software development is to friends and family?

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Saying that I'm a software developer has resulted in too many blank looks, so I say that I work with websites and mobile applications and nod when people say so you're a computer engineer?

I once explained version control and the concept of master and branches to my non-technical friend by saying the master branch is the tree stump and all branches must originate from it (not a very original analogy haha). I also explained to her the difference between backend and frontend and how they work by saying the frontend is how the cake looks and the backend is how it actually tastes 😂

radiomorillo profile image
Stephanie Morillo

Indeed; sometimes it's best to keep it simple!

Re: analogies: that's impressive! How did your friend take to the explanation of version control? It took me a LONG time to find an explanation that made things click.

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

She understood it pretty well! She even replied back with another analogy concerning the human body that I can't remember now 😂