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Dwayne Lacey
Dwayne Lacey

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Bruce Lee Tribute Page

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This was my second portfolio project for freeCodeCamp's responsive web design certificate. This project was a really great learning experience in regards to my understanding of how to center a lot of different elements as well as how border-radius worked.

A key thing that I gained confidence in during this project was the box model as well as how to use the border-radius property. I really struggled at first with understanding how to properly center all of my elements and how to keep them proper sizes at different view-widths. Eventually I started to learn to set my actual widths using my base width and then the scaled up widths using a max-width measured in pixels. To fix my border-radius and get a circular rather than elliptical rounding, I learned that the border-radius property actually takes two arguments in order to specify how round it is.

In the future I would like to get better at planning out in advance how I'll organize my elements and I'd like to better understand how to get the most out of using flexbox. I also feel ready to begin learning React and Bootstrap to help with my styling.

For those interested, the source code can be found here and the live page is deployed here

I'd love to hear feedback on how I could improve! Thanks for reading

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