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Simple Responsive Login Form

It has been long since I last shared anything here. And the reason for that is too long to summarize here, so I will spare you the boring details and get to the business at hand. Let us talk about responsive login form.

I woke up early today to a post about a simple login form for a website and the coder was so kind enough to post the codes as well. I read the code and found that there were so many unnecessary <div> and <p> inside a form. I copied the code (by typing) and was halfway through copying the style when I noticed that the page was not responsive. I thought, why would you make an unresponsive page in these times where every user has a different devices with different widths and heights, so shouldn't we as developers make sure that our designs are responsive? Soon the websites we will have to design and build will be a mix of 3D and 2D browsers, some of which are already out there.

And don't get me started on the way visual data is being bend and twisted along with the AI trend that's has everybody talking. Anyhow, this is my own little experiment on calc() and it has done me a wonderful service. This is the tool that will give you responsive design, and don't forget the property value vmin, vmax and vw, vh as they will give you a responsive effect.

For more info check calc()

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