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Dishit Devasia
Dishit Devasia

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Are You Making This 1 Developer Mistake to Get a Job as a Software Developer?

The Biggest Mistake

Do you know what one of the biggest mistakes that most developers make when starting out is?

It's focusing too much on solving LeetCode problems and understanding Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA).

While these are important, they shouldn't be the sole focus of your learning journey. Here's why:

Practical Experience

Spending all your time on LeetCode and DSA may cause you to miss out on practical experience, which is crucial for your career growth.

Job Requirements

On the job, you'll be working on problems that span multiple systems. This requires a different set of skills that solving LeetCode does not provide.

Reading and Research

In a professional setting, you'll spend a lot of time reading API specs, requirement documents, language documentation, and library documentation.

The Value of Projects

Instead of solely focusing on LeetCode problems, consider building projects with specific learning objectives. Here's why projects are valuable:

Real-life Experience

Projects provide practical experiences that are more relevant to real-world job requirements.

Integration and System Knowledge

Through projects, you'll learn to integrate systems, understand domains, and gain valuable domain-specific knowledge.

Interview Preparation

Many companies prioritise practical skills and domain knowledge over advanced algorithms, making project experience more valuable in interviews.

Workshop Announcement

Now, if you are looking to build project I am in the process of creating a workshop that will help you in your journey to create relevant project.

Let me know if you are interested.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more valuable insights for developers!

Before you go!

This was first published on my substack.

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