DEV Community

Discussion on: Our open-source project got funded!

dinkopehar profile image
Dinko Pehar

Congratulations on your success ! May I ask how long did you worked on project before it was funded ? And for all others who want to fund their projects, what are the possibilities ?

scopsy profile image
Dima Grossman • Edited

In overall almost more than 2 years since the inception of the internal project :) I think the market of OSS projects is growing pretty fast right now, you can see a lot of great example suchs as appwrite, supabase, flagsmith, amplication and many many great others. We are doing a live stream on this subject around next week, and I might write a detailed blog post on this aswell in the near time. I will let you know once it's out there, and feel free to reach out on Discord or DM, would love to jump on a call if I could help in anyway.

dinkopehar profile image
Dinko Pehar

Thank you. I'll keep this in backlog and check if blog post comes out. I worked on lot of projects but I never thought about ways of funding my project. I simply don't know about financing .