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Digital PES IT

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Cloud Testing: A New Era in Software Quality Assurance Introduction

Cloud testing is a revolutionary approach to testing cloud-based applications using cloud-provided resources. These resources encompass everything necessary for testing, including hardware, software, and infrastructure. By offering an end-to-end solution, cloud testing transforms traditional testing methods, enabling organizations to reduce costs while maintaining the integrity of mission-critical applications. Utilizing cloud services for testing allows for on-demand provisioning of test servers, minimizing idle server time. Since over 80% of validation processes are repetitive, cloud testing significantly streamlines these tasks by automating them, thus enhancing efficiency.

Why Choose Selenium for Cloud Testing?
Selenium stands out among cloud testing tools due to its flexibility and precision. Compatible with a wide range of browsers, Selenium allows testers to write test scripts efficiently. It supports multiple programming languages, including C#, Java, Python, and Ruby, making it accessible even to those with basic knowledge of these languages.

Benefits of Using Selenium for Cloud Testing
Cost-Effective: Selenium is an open-source tool, reducing the costs associated with proprietary software.
Multi-Language Support: It supports a variety of programming languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, and C#, offering flexibility in scripting.
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium supports numerous browsers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari, facilitating comprehensive cross-browser testing.
Framework Flexibility: Selenium is compatible with multiple testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, and RSpec, enhancing automation robustness.
Operating System Support: Selenium runs on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Time Efficiency: Using Selenium Grid, parallel execution of test cases is possible, significantly reducing testing time.
Leveraging Selenium for Cloud Automation Testing
With most modern software applications being web-based and often deployed on cloud servers, Selenium is the leading open-source solution for testing needs. It seamlessly integrates with cloud services, allowing testers to verify web applications across various browsers and platforms. Selenium interacts directly with web browsers to test user actions, inputs, and expected results, thereby improving device and platform coverage.

ACL Digital’s Approach to Cloud Testing with Selenium
At ACL Digital, we have designed a specialized automation framework tailored for cloud testing. Our strategy emphasizes obtaining high-quality results efficiently. Although Selenium offers several predefined frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, and NUnit, ACL Digital identified the need for a more comprehensive solution. Thus, we developed a Data-Driven Framework that offers a complete end-to-end solution for cloud automation testing.

ACL Digital’s Selenium Data-Driven Framework
Our Data-Driven Framework incorporates function modularization and abstraction layers, making it a powerful Excel-based tool comprising three key layers:

External Layer (Test Case Layer): Houses all test cases.
Application Function Layer: Contains functions related to the specific application being tested.
Framework Layer: Includes core framework functions essential for the automation process.
In this framework, test cases and data reside in a single Excel file, simplifying management. Users can select test cases for execution and input their test data directly into this Excel file. We maintain object repositories in property files, which can be dynamically read at runtime, facilitating easy updates to element locators. Additionally, we use property files for configuration data.

To enhance efficiency, this framework is integrated with Jenkins for continuous integration and Bitbucket (Git) for source code management.

Features of ACL Digital’s Selenium Data-Driven Framework
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Functions seamlessly across various browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.
Maven-Based: Simplifies dependency management, reducing setup complexities.
Easy Execution: Trigger test execution with a single click from Jenkins or locally.
Automated Execution: Automatically initiates test execution via Jenkins upon detecting changes in the Bitbucket/Git codebase.
Comprehensive Reporting: Generates detailed reports including application logs, graphical representations of results, platform details, and execution specifics such as pass/fail counts, test steps, and screenshots at failure points.
Benefits of the Selenium Data-Driven Framework
Ease of Use: The use of Excel for scripting makes it accessible even to manual testers with basic training in automation.
Unified Test Management: Allows maintenance of both manual and automated test cases within the same document.
Scalability and Productivity: Supports scaling up test efforts efficiently.
Cost Savings: Reduces manual effort, leading to significant cost savings.
Return on Investment (ROI) with Selenium Data-Driven Framework
Before Selenium Implementation:

Total Test Cases: 130
Execution Time: 10 hours
After Selenium Implementation:

Total Test Cases: 130
Execution Time: 3.5 hours
Challenges and Solutions in Implementation
During implementation, we encountered several challenges:

Unique Locator Issues: We addressed these by using JavaScript executors when unique elements were not identifiable.
Data Extraction from Web-Tables: By employing slick functions and JavaScript, we overcame difficulties related to data extraction.
Dynamic Elements: Techniques like regex, ancestor, and sibling selectors helped in managing dynamic elements.
Windows Popup Interactions: Tools like AutoIT and the Robot class were used to handle interactions with Windows popups.
Radio Button Selection Problems: Collaborating with developers, we identified actions performed on radio button clicks and replicated those using JavaScript.
Performance Optimization: We streamlined test execution by optimizing data dependency checks, utilizing fast locators, grouping test cases, reducing static waits, and refining execution flow.
Adopting Selenium for functional testing has substantially reduced execution time and minimized repetitive manual effort. As an open-source tool, Selenium also eliminates licensing costs associated with proprietary testing tools like HP UFT, making it a cost-effective and powerful solution for modern cloud-based testing needs.

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