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WordPress: Introducing Block Bindings, part 1: connecting custom fields

Introducing Block Bindings, part 1: connecting custom fields:

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By Justin Tadlock. February 20, 2024: Introducing Block Bindings, part 1: connecting custom fields: By Justin Tadlock. February 20, 2024

Advanced, Blocks, Plugins, Themes

Looking over the laundry list of developer-specific features coming in WordPress 6.5, I’m like a kid on Christmas morning, shredding the wrapping paper to reveal all the goodies Santa dropped off the night before. But there’s that one special gift. The big one. The one I’ve been wishing and hoping for.

It’s the Block Bindings API.

For extenders, this is the foundation of so many features we’ve all been asking for since the launch of WordPress 5.0 and the Block Editor. This initial iteration provides support for custom fields integration, pattern overrides, and custom bindings.

This post is the start of an in-depth series that covers what block bindings are, why you should use them, and how to use them in your projects. In this first post, you’ll learn how to bind custom fields to block attributes. I encourage you to leave comments on what you’d like to build with the Block Bindings API. What you see in WordPress 6.5 is only the first iteration of a massively powerful feature that will only become better in the versions to come.

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