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Dheeraj Jha
Dheeraj Jha

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How I Landed My First Freelance Work

Starting a freelance career can be both exciting and daunting. For me, it was a journey filled with learning, growth, and a fair share of challenges. I landed my first freelance work with Kioskkarte, a Germany-based startup. Here’s how it all began and the lessons I learned along the way.

The 0 to 1 Journey
Before landing my first freelance work, I was always interested in building projects. However, in my initial days, I didn’t launch my projects. I would build them and push the code to GitHub. Soon, I realized that I need to launch the projects so I get feedback related to my work users are not interested in cloning projects and running them on their local systems. Additionally, I couldn’t truly understand the quality and scalability of my projects unless they were publicly accessible.

Building and Launching Projects
I started deploying my projects, making them accessible to a wider audience. Among the various projects I built, a few caught the attention of many users. One such project was the Design2Code website, which is among the weekly TOP 10 on Peerlist and TOP 3 on Fazier. It has reached thousands of visitors. The other one is OncoSight. This project helps to win the hackathon, and it also crosses thousands of visitors. It is among the TOP 1 products of the day and weekly among the TOP 5 on Fazier.

The Turning Point: Kioskkarte
One day, I received an direct email from the client. It was from Kioskkarte, a startup in Germany looking for a developer to help build their platform. They were impressed with the work showcased on my site, which demonstrated my knowledge and passion for web development. They get to know about my email through my portfolio website

The Project with Kioskkarte
Working with Kioskkarte was an incredible experience. I was responsible for developing their MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This project not only helped me gain practical experience but also taught me the importance of clear communication, meeting deadlines, and adapting to clients’ needs.

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Lessons Learned
1. Create a Strong Online Presence
Your personal website is your digital business card. Make it professional, showcase your best work, and keep it updated.

2. Invest in SEO and Content
Visibility is key. Invest time in SEO and make sure your portfolio is updated to attract potential clients.

3. Be Open to Opportunities
You never know where your next project will come from. Be open to inquiries and always respond professionally and promptly.

4. Communicate Effectively
Clear and regular communication with your clients builds trust and ensures that the project runs smoothly.

5. Continuous Learning
Freelancing is a journey of continuous learning. Every project brings new challenges and opportunities to grow your skills.

Landing my first freelance job with Kioskkarte through my personal website was a game-changer. It validated my efforts and set the foundation for my freelancing career. If you’re aspiring to start freelancing, focus on building a strong online presence, invest in personal website, and always be ready to learn and adapt. Your first client could be just a step away!

If you are looking for a freelancer to build your SaaS product or your websites. I am open to work.

Here is my portfolio:

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