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Dharmendra Kumar
Dharmendra Kumar

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🏃‍♂️ Is TypeScript Slower than JavaScript? The Performance Showdown! 🕒

JavaScript: The Core Language

1. Understanding the Basics: What are TypeScript and JavaScript?

JavaScript: The Core Language

  • JavaScript is a dynamic, interpreted language used primarily for web development. It runs directly in the browser or on the server via environments like Node.js.

  • Example:

    // Simple JavaScript function
    function greet(name) {
        return "Hello, " + name + "!";
    console.log(greet("Alice")); // Output: "Hello, Alice!"

TypeScript: The Superset

  • TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript, meaning it extends JavaScript by adding optional static types. TypeScript code is compiled (or transpiled) into JavaScript before execution.

  • Example:

    // TypeScript function with type annotations
    function greet(name: string): string {
        return "Hello, " + name + "!";
    console.log(greet("Alice")); // Output: "Hello, Alice!"

2. Compilation vs. Interpretation: Where’s the Delay?

JavaScript: Direct Execution

  • No Compilation: JavaScript is interpreted directly by the browser or runtime environment, meaning it’s executed as is without a separate compilation step.

  • Example:

    // JavaScript runs directly in the browser
    document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', function() {
        alert('Button clicked!');

TypeScript: The Compilation Step

  • TypeScript Compilation: TypeScript code needs to be compiled into JavaScript before it can run. This adds a compilation step during development, but once compiled, the JavaScript that runs is identical to what you’d write in JavaScript.

  • Example:

    // TypeScript needs to be compiled first
    document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', function() {
        alert('Button clicked!');
    // Compiles to JavaScript before execution

3. Runtime Performance: Is There a Difference?

JavaScript: Native Speed

  • Native Execution: JavaScript runs directly in the environment, whether in a browser or Node.js. Its performance depends on the JavaScript engine (like V8 in Chrome) but is generally optimized for speed.

  • Example:

    // Simple JavaScript loop
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
        // Perform some operation

TypeScript: Identical Output

  • Same Performance: Once TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript, the performance is identical to that of plain JavaScript. The runtime speed of your TypeScript code is the same as it would be if you wrote the equivalent code in JavaScript.

  • Example:

    // TypeScript loop with types
    for (let i: number = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
        // Perform some operation
    // Compiled JavaScript will perform exactly the same

4. Development Speed: Compilation Overhead

JavaScript: Instant Feedback

  • No Waiting: With JavaScript, there’s no compilation step, so developers get immediate feedback when they make changes. This can speed up development time in smaller projects.

  • Example:

    console.log("Debugging message"); // See output instantly after saving

TypeScript: Compilation Time

  • Compilation Overhead: TypeScript introduces a compilation step that takes time. For large projects, this compilation can slow down the development process slightly, but modern tools (like incremental compilation) minimize this delay.

  • Example:

    console.log("Debugging message"); // Slight delay due to TypeScript compilation

5. Error Detection: Saving Time in the Long Run

JavaScript: Runtime Errors

  • Catch Errors Late: JavaScript errors are often caught at runtime, which can lead to bugs slipping through the cracks and causing issues in production.

  • Example:

    function add(a, b) {
        return a + b;
    console.log(add(5)); // Output: NaN (No error until runtime)

TypeScript: Early Error Detection

  • Catch Errors Early: TypeScript’s static typing allows for errors to be caught at compile time, reducing the likelihood of runtime bugs and potentially saving significant debugging time later.

  • Example:

    function add(a: number, b: number): number {
        return a + b;
    // console.log(add(5)); // Error: Argument of type '5' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'

Conclusion: Is TypeScript Really Slower?

  • Runtime Speed: TypeScript is not slower than JavaScript at runtime. Once compiled, TypeScript code is just JavaScript, and it runs with the same performance.

  • Development Speed: TypeScript may introduce a slight delay during development due to the compilation step, but this is often outweighed by the benefits of catching errors early.

  • The Verdict: TypeScript’s slight overhead in development is a small price to pay for the increased safety, maintainability, and scalability it offers. If performance is your primary concern, you can confidently use TypeScript without worrying about runtime speed.

Top comments (8)

efpage profile image
Eckehard • Edited

Does JS-performance really matter that much?

Slow and unresponsive websites are often caused by network delays, large images and bulky frameworks that need to be fetched before anything can happen on screen. Unless you are a superhero that writes millions of lines of code, the execution time for user written code will be a minimal fraction of the whole party.

Weather you choose Typescript or not, this will not change the time React needs to show your page....

dharamgfx profile image
Dharmendra Kumar

You raise a valid point! Performance in web applications is often more affected by factors like network latency, large media files, and the overhead of frameworks, rather than the execution time of the code itself. In many cases, the difference in performance between JavaScript and TypeScript is negligible when compared to these larger bottlenecks.

TypeScript primarily shines in development by improving code quality, maintainability, and reducing bugs. It’s true that whether you use TypeScript or not won’t significantly impact the time it takes for React or other frameworks to render your page.

The key takeaway is that while optimizing code execution is important, it's often secondary to addressing issues like network delays, optimizing assets, and using frameworks efficiently. TypeScript’s value lies more in its ability to create robust, maintainable code rather than in directly influencing performance.

So, while JavaScript performance is a piece of the puzzle, it’s not usually the primary culprit behind slow and unresponsive websites. TypeScript is more about ensuring that the code you write is reliable and easier to manage in the long run.

efpage profile image

We should also not forget the great effort, companies like Google spent to optimize performance. When you load an HTML document, it is first scanned by the preload scanner which identifies all external file references. So, before any HTML is parsed or any script is executed, the browser starts to load images, scripts or whatever is referenced in the document. So, it might matter much more, where the code is located than how it is built.

I.m.o. the biggest effect bundlers like Vite have with respect to page load time is not the reduction in file size, but the case that all code is combined in a single file. So, you need to wait for a single file only. Before, you had a daisy-chain of files, which multiplied the delay.

peter-fencer profile image
Peter Vivo

jsDoc give same typesafe development time solution as TS without code compile process.

chuckcatron profile image
Chuck Catron

Thanks for the info. I am willing to sacrifice a tiny bit of dev time for the better dev experience and capabilities that typescript rings to the table.

tomasdevs profile image
Tomas Stveracek • Edited

Good read! 👍 I like how you explain the balance between TypeScript’s extra compilation step and the benefits it brings. Do you find the advantages in development worth the minor overhead?

dharamgfx profile image
Dharmendra Kumar

Thank you for the kind words! 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed the explanation. As for your question, I do believe the advantages of using TypeScript far outweigh the minor overhead introduced by the compilation step.

TypeScript's ability to catch errors early, provide better tooling (like autocompletion and refactoring), and make code more maintainable is invaluable, especially in larger projects. The slight delay in compilation is usually mitigated by modern development tools, and the time saved by avoiding runtime bugs can be significant.

So yes, in my experience, the benefits in development are definitely worth the small overhead.

anikkdev profile image
Anik K Dev

I feel like TS is more fun if you are up to do some OOP stuff. Other than that, vanilla JS with JSDoc is much convenient.