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Dhairya Shah
Dhairya Shah

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Best Way to Get Last Item in an Array

Hello Folks πŸ‘‹

What's up, this is SnowBit here. I am a young passionate and self-taught developer and have an intention to become a successful developer.

Today, I am here with a basic topic mostly for beginners and revisers.

Avoid this

const arr = ["JS", "PY", "CSS"]
const lastItem = arr[2]
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Don't do this for getting the last item of an array. Let me explain, this is a small array and contains only 3 items that are easily countable but, what if there are hundred's of items in an array then this method will make you mad 🀯

Do this

const arr = ["JS", "PY", "CSS"]
const lastItem = arr[arr.length - 1]
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Here, arr.length becomes dynamic, it increases as you increase items in arr no matter how many you add and that will not make you mad 😜

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!
Your appreciation is my motivation 😊

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