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I'm adding a wiki and an API documentation to using vitepress

I have had my wiki on my local computer, however that mostly consists of how-to to build the app, create backend, create frontend and connect the two. Now that the app is getting larger, and it is not enough to store the backlog in Jira, since tasks became huge and I need a place where I can store these organised, I decided to build docs. I have seen the perfect and easiest way for this on the vue.js official site, and looking into it, I see they use vitepress, and the files are all markdown. This is a nice and simple way to write long texts. Later I plan to add the jira tasks to this, however there should be a way to group tasks in Jira too, but so far I've found it too difficult, since bulk assignment is very difficult in jira, and often the case is, that you know what tasks should be done, but can't yet see the connection, like adding stuff and editing stuff are mostly similar. Also in many cases you need to take a step back and think the task over, before breaking it down to tasks. For example, in talentexploit, assigning similar jobs to a job on the database side is merely creating a comma separated list of job id's. But if I take a step back, it's more complex, so I'd rather write it down, collect all my thoughts about it, and then start defining the tasks that has to be done. Also I want to note down my API endpoints as well in a nice and clean format.
Vitepress can be downloaded here, and simply can be run on Netlify.
Markdown helper:

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