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Sampson Ovuoba for Devwares

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How to use the Tailwind CSS Colors 3.0

Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

Color as we know is one of the important pillars of design. With almost any design you must include a variety of colors to make your work more pleasing and friendly.

And so, one of the most powerful features of Tailwind is its color palette.
This gives you complete control over the colors in your design and allows you to create sophisticated color schemes with just a few lines of code.

Customizing Colors in Tailwind CSS

In this article, we're going to take a look at how to use Tailwind's color palette to create a custom color scheme for your website or app. We'll also look at some of the best practices for working with colors in Tailwind.

First, let's take a look at how to define a color scheme in Tailwind. You can do this in your tailwind.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  colors: {
    red: '#ff0000',
    green: '#00ff00',
    blue: '#0000ff',

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This will create a color scheme with three colors: red, green, and blue. You can add as many colors as you like to your scheme, and you can also use hex codes or CSS color functions like rgba().

Once you've defined your colors, you can start using them in your CSS. Tailwind provides several utility classes that make it easy to apply colors to your elements.

For example, to apply the red color to an element, you can use the .text-red class:

<div class="text-red">This element is red</div>
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You can also use the .bg-red class to give an element a red background:

<div class="bg-red">This element has a red background</div>
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If you want to apply a color to just one side of an element, you can use the .border-red class:

<div class="border-red">This element has a red border</div>
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Tailwind also provides several other utility classes for working with colors, including classes for applying colors to text, applying colors to borders, and more.

In addition to the utility classes, Tailwind also provides a @apply directive that lets you apply colors to any CSS selector:

.button {
  @apply bg-red;
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This will apply the bg-red class to the .button element. You can use the @apply directive to apply colors to multiple selectors at once:

.form-control {
  @apply bg-red;
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You can also use it to apply colors to child elements:

.button {
  @apply bg-red;

  &:hover {
    @apply text-white;
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This will apply the bg-red class to the .button element, and the text-white class to the .button element when it hovers.

Tailwind Color Palette

Tailwind's color palette is a powerful tool for building custom designs. With a few lines of code, you can create sophisticated color schemes that can be applied to any element in your HTML.

Tailwind has a limited number of color palettes available to the user.

However, the user can also expand this color palette by customizing the default color palette to suit their need.
You can start with the default color palette if you don't have any color in mind.

Tailwind color palette


The Tailwind CSS Color 3.0 is a powerful and versatile tool for developing stunning and distinctive color schemes. Users may quickly and simply generate unique color palettes that can be utilized in any project due to the user-friendly interface it offers. It is a fantastic alternative for any designer wishing to create a distinctive and eye-catching design due to its vast selection of color options.

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