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What's a More "Advanced" Topic You'd Like to See on DEV?

Jeremy Friesen on June 08, 2022

As a member of the DEV team, I love reading what our community is writing. There's career advice, "meta topics", walk throughs, how to posts, and ...
miguelmj profile image

I'd love to see more math and logic. Explanations of advanced algorithms step by step (grammar parsing algorithms, procedural generation of complex structures, competitive AI... all broken down). And not only "import this library, train with this dataset". Programming languages theory or discussions comparing effectively different paradigms, optimization techniques, static analysis of code... Or breaking down personal projects that don't fall in the regular categories of webdev or mobile apps. Idk, I feel like anything different than your daily explanation on what is git, why you should use Linux and React tutorials would be nice. Also, is it me or there's a raising trend of posts that consist on a single question? Like, there is no elaboration, only some easy bait to generate traffic.
Talking about that, and somewhat off topic, it would be nice to have a special category for that kind of posts. Anything less than a minute of reading time should go to a short reading section. It's a bit frustrating to see an interesting title and then find that the title is literally the whole post... I know, the comments are usually interesting, but that doesn't replace quality content.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Or breaking down personal projects that don't fall in the regular categories of webdev or mobile apps.

My personal projects is where I "practice" to learn and think through new approaches. And these personal projects are of nominal value to others (smash together two procedures for generating Sci-Fi TTRPG worlds, a REPL that parses random tables and can record / write to files that are loaded into the REPL app, etc)

miguelmj profile image

Those are interesting, and I know a lot of people post them here too, but they usually revolve around X technology or X framework, instead of the interesting algorithms or data structures used.
The projects you mention sound actually cool, btw!

tiffany profile image

Agreed with the quality of the content. If I could filter out low quality/low value posts I'd definitely do it.

As far as math and theory? I'd like to see more of that too. Perhaps a tag with these topics in mind. A lot of newbies would get lost seeing too much of that, but perhaps there's a way to filter.

miguelmj profile image

Well, there's an option to set experience level both of posts and your own profile, for feed filtering, but in my experience it doesn't work too well, or probably there just isn't much content above certain level, idk. There is also the option for some trusted users to mark a post as low quality... but I'll tell you, after a few posts in a row you stop marking them.
Thanks for your comment!

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

For myself, I'm always looking for posts related to how to "own" a code base over time. What are the strategies for fighting off the very real entropy.

wesen profile image
Manuel Odendahl

This is indeed a great topic that is not approached very much. I have been dealing with big legacy codebases for a long time (and actually love it), and started writing a bit about it, for example here:

sainig profile image
Gaurav Saini • Edited

Vanilla JavaScript is something that I very rarely see on any forums or blogs, but could be very interesting.
I like the different web APIs ( very much. Just the other day I was working with the Web Audio API and it felt so good in a really long time. I also recently learned about the IndexedDB API and was completely blown away by it.

So yeah, I’d like to see more of advanced posts for web APIs.

peerreynders profile image
sainig profile image
Gaurav Saini

Yeah, fortunately I realised that quick enough and started using Dexie.js

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Tech leadership or war stories on how they had screwed up and ways we should be mindful of for managing technical teams.

leviarista profile image
Leví Arista

It would be very interesting to find more articles about Design Systems, and also testing and QA articles.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Definitely more testing and QA articles would be great.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Yep, me too. But I have the feeling that there were a few advanced articles on Design System and Testing lately.

leviarista profile image
Leví Arista

I think i missed them :/

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

I think we want that chat feature again, I miss him 🥺🥴

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Noted, but I didn't ask what new/old feature :(

I'm trying to recall, but failing, the person who posted about a Chrome plugin/extension that allows you to chat with other folks that are on the same site who also have that plugin installed.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington
atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

okay, sorry for that misunderstanding. It's all by my mistake :|

Thread Thread
jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Oh, no worries on the mistake. I was aiming to be a bit playful so hopefully didn't miss my mark.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Thank you everyone for chiming in. I hope folks are seeing ways in which you can contribute and up our collective game.

miguelmj profile image
MiguelMJ • Edited

That sounds exactly like the kind of post I'd love to read here! ^^
I don't think there's any tag for programming languages theory in DEV, the closest one is #computerscience and man that's full of noise... maybe we could start a #plt tag for that 👀

EDIT: In fact, it already exists!!

bfef profile image
Efrem Rensi

I'd like to learn more about maintaining and growing an open source project. Licensing the project, identifying and attracting developers that might be interested, managing pull requests from multiple contributors. That kind of thing.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

I think Sloan may have heard your wish:

Tidelift ✨

Welcome to the Tidelift Community, an open space for open source contributors, maintainers, and OSS supply chain professionals to learn, share, and grow.

w3ndo profile image
Patrick Wendo

When I was in campus, i always found a disconnect between classroom education and realworld application. This only became an issue in the higher levels, especially towards the final year. Concepts like Knowledge Base Systems and Finite Automata were more conceptual than practical. For instance the only reason I ever understood the A* searching algorithm was by building a sample program that found the fastest route between 2 towns. Other concepts like the Monte Carlo simulation still seem far fetched for me. I can not say I understand them cause I never got a concrete example that explained it to me.

So to answer your question, I'd enjoy a series explaining higher concepts in math and computer science.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

More about streaming data and real-time dashboards!

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

I am mostly interested in React, Testing, Git, Design Systems, Patterns, more vanilla JS, in an advanced way and was wishing for them for a long time, but I have the feeling that articles like these have increased the last few weeks. Didn't read all of time by now, mostly bookmarked, so I still hope I find what I need.

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Advanced Laravel posts would be great. I'm planning to make some myself.

jeremyf profile image
Jeremy Friesen

Awesome, I've heard Laravel mentioned a lot of times, but have minimal knowledge.

Do you have a title for one of those posts? To help folks better see what you consider "Advanced Laravel posts?"

moose_said profile image
Mostafa Said

Maybe more about Laravel Logging, Localization, Queues & Jobs, Eloquent and more.

drsensor profile image

"GameDev: theory and practice using Open Source technology"

(especially that target web browser or use browser technology like webview or Neutralinojs)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Game development for pc, consoles, steam and mobile.