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What was your win this week?

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on May 27, 2022

Hey there! Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? All wins count — big or small 🎉 Examples of 'win...
ktxxt profile image
Darko Riđić

Finished my project and posted my first article here

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria • Edited

I found that Obsidian works really well for me as a student! And I also learned some bits of Latex!

A screenshot of a Markdown page in Obsidian. Written there are my notes about Air Pressure. There are a lot of Maths expresions there made possible with Latex!

I also tried the new Blueprint language! It's basically a language for writing UI expressions for Gtk akin to QtQuick!
See my PR here!

Before that, I did my Arts school assignment. I painted a panting of a Pasific island based on this pic from Battlefield V!. And wowwyy, it feels more like a bird!

A painting depicting a Pasific island in the day, with many US transport ships around the beach. There is also one that got destroyed and is on fire!

ashusharmatech profile image
Ashutosh Sharma • Edited

I started one small project last Friday to Automate a manual process. Its complete and running it smoothly now. I learned Python for this and enjoyed alot doing this.

The process was to upload news articles on Instagram, it getting uploaded to this profile

drsensor profile image
  • Parsing then playing .musicxml file in Tone.js
  • Learn UnoCSS
  • Make a backend service using (Go) that generate a website which uploaded to IPFS
  • Stitch them all as SPA via Solidjs
  • Schedule a surgery after queuing for 6hr 😅 (now I'm beat up)
chuniversiteit profile image
Chun Fei Lung

I finally lost my ridiculous 1354-day contribution streak on GitHub because I took a few days off.

freakdaddycode profile image
Richard Hart

and there was me celebrating a 3 day streak ;)

seek4samurai profile image
Gourav Singh Rawat

With my internship's and freelancing's income, gifted my Dad a new Phone!!! Hype people!!!!

nikitakoselev profile image
Nikita Koselev

I have made IntelliJ work in Windows while all the source is located in WSL Ubuntu. Even IntelliJ's terminal is an Ubuntu one now. That is soo tasty :)

murtuzaalisurti profile image
Murtuzaali Surti

Gave some interviews and gained some experience!

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Great, no i recommend you to make some projects also to showcase in your interview 🚩🤘

murtuzaalisurti profile image
Murtuzaali Surti

I did

Thread Thread
atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Wonderful go ahead 🏁😻

I think you will definitely get job in your next few interviews 🤘

All the best 👍

codewithcaen profile image

I set out to create a super basic search function for static websites, and accidentally created something I actually really like. A super fast no-dependency client side search engine. I have a demo video on Twitter if you want to see

fidalmathew profile image
Fidal Mathew

I was finally able to complete my first web3 project which I made from scatch. Learnt many new things along the way and incorporated stuff I learnt from tutorials. Had ton of fun building it! 😁

Check it out if you're interested :)
Voting System Dapp

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

I found some nice codenewbie stickers in my mail after I got back from vacation, I got mentioned in the codenewbie newsletter under "inspiration" and I got a new badge for writing comments on blog articles here on :)

green726 profile image
Milan Lustig

I was able to get parsing and LLVM IR generation for printing/functions/function calls working in the language that I am making(HISS). I am writing it in c# using LLVMSharp, and this was a big win because it proves that the compiled code can run and call the c standard library.

brokylabs profile image
Catur Hidayat

Progress 41% Back-End Engineer on 🔥

techonerd profile image
Ranjeet Singh

engaged more with the community.

mnalbantyan profile image

starting to learning code at my 35 age :)

jpoly1219 profile image
Jacob Kim

I solved a memory/pointer bug in Go! It was a whole TIL moment when i fugured it out. I also started to use the Delve debugger thanks to it.

rishikrishna_r profile image

Went from feeling depressed to writing new two blogs!! Feel free to check it out!

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

OMG it's adventurous🦅

shammisharma profile image

Recently started learning Manipulation of DOM with js. Came to know about some core concepts of js which otherwise I wouldn't have 😯

ktxxt profile image
Darko Riđić

Nice, where at? Any photos :D?

zelal profile image
Zelal Hossain

Completed another MERN Stack classifieds Solution/products

hardiquedasore profile image
Hardique Dasore

Started with Udacity's Blockchain nanodegree.

hernanreyes profile image
Hernan Reyes

Waking up early, start reading and preparing to post my first article 😁

alesbe profile image

Getting my first contributions on my open source project and doing my own contributions to other projects as well! Really cool experience 🚀

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I received more writing gig opportunities.

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng

I has been an intern for a week now.

shan01253 profile image

I managed to craft up a script that does a lot of my work for me. Its the first successful script I have managed to get working!

jonasbn profile image
Jonas Brømsø
  • what does it do?
  • what is next?

I just created a small utility to catch the URL from the Exercism CLI tool output when I submit my proposed solution and open it in a browser.

Now I just have to remember to use it 🤪

adrvnc profile image
Adrian Carter • Edited

I am almost complete with a project I have been stuck on. It's been a struggle, to say the least, but I have learned a lot.

jonasbn profile image
Jonas Brømsø

I believe it will be great to finish your project, never the less the learning and experience will be the most valuable take away

jonasbn profile image
Jonas Brømsø

I organized a meetup for our local Go usergroup which has been dormant for some time - looking forward to my first attendance and meeting fellow gophers

jetpackmano2200 profile image
sean yan

Ha ha, it's been raining for a week and it's cleared up today. I'll finally be able to air the quilt before June! (Last time is April)

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I think my win is that I've been able to get over the funk I had and now I'm back to writing.

guess who's back

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

I have just completed that insurance agency website template, May be this Sunday i will complete it 🏁


atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Cool 😘😎

dulyaaa profile image
Dulya Perera

Learnt more about:

  • Machine Learning models.
  • Deployed the selected model in flask.