Hey folks!
Sorry for leaving out the weekly wins thread again last week! 😱
To be clear, this is not a purposeful new pattern, just a mishap.
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My big win over the weekend was breaking ground on a piece of property that we've owned for about a year. We plan to build a house there and just took down some of the tress + put in the driveway. It's officially happening!! 🏠
super cool, congrats
Thank ya a bunch! 🙌
Just found V8 bug 🐛
My win the last two weeks is spending time with my wife and son, in preparation for my second son due any day now.
I'm going into negative vacation time, but it's worth it :)
HUGE congrats!
I've been looking for a monolithic CMS written in Node.js, but didn't find anything suitable.
Luckily, I've managed to integrate Express, React and PayloadCMS which supports connecting to a locally running instance of MongoDB - so I've got everything in one place :D
Cherry on top - I use Reacts JSX as a template engine, although I don't want/need interactivity in the browser. So I render components with
inside Express route handlers and can even stream HTML withres.send(renderToStaticNodeStream(template))
is imported from "react-dom/server"😍
Started learning Ruby. I am a happy Ruby newbie, I just love it.
I released the first version of Act, a library that enables you to create flat or hierarchical state machines. Have a look/try it out and give me feedback, I appreciate it.
A few deployments to prod that I would have guessed wouldn't have made it :D
Deployed my new site and started an interview process 🤓
Based on my service Breves.
Spent all week making libraries and hacking together pieces of other people's libraries to make development with a broken hand feasible I'll make these libraries available on npm and github when they have been fully tested
I started learning nextjs. But I don't found likable cloud provider for date store. But keep the searching ...
hello peter, something similar is happend with me also when i have started to learn react js in 2017 when it very fresh in our community. lot's of code guru recommending it learn, blindly. According to that experience i will say, New technologies comes with few limitations and after understanding that limitation creaters invent solutions or alternative for that limitation.
I know you can also find that solution too, All the best.
Sometimes, "making it alive" is enough.
Fix an intractable bug in my project.
I created a new design in Figma for my project. I have added a few new features, which I hope will enrich my project and it will be more interesting and enjoyable.
I crossed 1k followers on my Tech IG account @deeecode
I've created the account since January, so it was nice finally getting here :)
Received an offer for an internship which offeres ~four times the stipend from my current one.
Some of my tweets blew up and got good engagement 💪
Interesting just to note how many people sold btc for before bigger fall? Sure thing it is win, correct?
Finished a reactjs project.
My big win was traffic on my website after the new update: Just Five News · Daily News
Starting a new project and started my online lecture about Git! (Though I am not sure if that equals to a win 😂 ).
I was finally able to finish writing the blog post I was postponing for the last month!!
For me it would be getting to grips with Shopify 2.0 and the way blocks/sections are working, passing in variables to a rendered snippet etc.
Finished a project i have been working on for long.
Started a new job, for which I'm pretty excited
My win last week was finally achieve 4 workout days.
43% Progress "Back end Dev" at codecademy
Released a feature that I have been working on for a few months. It felt really good to get it out.