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What Problem Do You Wake Up To?

What's the first hurdle you face each morning? Or worse, what wakes you up in the middle of the night? Share the things you might be avoiding or tolerating, and let's discuss strategies for tackling them.

Top comments (11)

best_codes profile image
Best Codes • Edited

I'll have to think about the question, but I'd like to kindly point out a spelling error.
The word 'wakes' is misspelled in the sentence 'Or worse, what waskes you up in the middle of the night?'.
Interesting post, though. 😊

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

As of writing.. The problem I wake up to is what features should I add to my side project

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

Realizing that I'm getting older and need to get serious.

How I deal with it...?

fyodorio profile image

Tinker with Jenkins, it will get you there

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

Jenkins can't solve this problem.

Thread Thread
fyodorio profile image

I know a devops guy who would kill for a lesser insult 😠😄

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Thinking about RuntDeale's future...

At least it has a working camera with four different following modes... or it did before the latest commit.

qurat_ul_ain777 profile image
Qurat Ul Ain

Sleep on time and waking up early is the problem I face every morning and night. I need a fixed timing. Waking up late and sleeping late is affecting my health badly.

cloudkungfu profile image
Javel Rowe

How to retire ASAP 😅

priyabapodra profile image
Priya Bapodra

how to spent a day well !

jerlich profile image
Jeffrey Erlich

Wondering if the parameters of my stochastic differential equation model are identifiable given the dataset I have.