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What *new* technologies do you most want to learn?

Ben Halpern on May 20, 2022

Only talking about relatively new technologies, what is most appealing to you? Why do you want to learn it?

This post is part of the Mayfield + DEV Discussion series. Please feel free to go back and answer previous questions as well.

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

Supabase stands out. New open source alternative to something proprietary in Firebase, but also built on top of something I'm quite comfortable with in Postgres.

Haven't had the chance to play around yet, but it hits a sweet spot for me.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Putting this one on my list to test out for sure.

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

Make a post about it if you do!

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andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Putting it into Notion now so I don't forget 😁

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

On the first look it seems like Supabase has no vendor lock in because it is open source but it actually is lock in because very important features are Supabase Cloud exclusive and not part of Supabase. Very sad.

mpscholten profile image
Marc Scholten

Also check out Thin Backend, it's similar to supabase but provides optimistic updates :)

basicpixel profile image
O. AlQudah

I really recommend learning it. Currently using it for a real project and it has been awesome.

cheetah100 profile image
Peter Harrison • Edited


Machine Learning is of increasing importance. More importantly we need to work out how it can provide value to customers. PyTorch and FastAI abstract the hard stuff away to provide simplified interfaces for real world use.


Not exactly new, but new for me. I evaluated the various libraries and frameworks for client side development and settled on learning Vue because of its lean learning curve.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

We use FastAI for some spam detection on DEV — really incredible technology.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

..... Whoops, I got that mixed up in my head. We use FastText. Different tool — point remains.

skylersaville profile image
Skyler Saville

Vue was the first frontend framework that just clicked for me. It’s been my go to for years. I really didn’t feel the need to learn React, but the industry being what it is… I finally started to learn React. I still love Vue more though.

zernico profile image
Nico Franke

Same here! Vue has been so lovely from my experience, even more with the composition api now.
Had to learn React for a job and it's also pretty easy to pick up but not as neat as vue is. It does also have some nice things that I'd want in vue tho.

felicio2310 profile image

I´ve been dreamin with three.js everyday....

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

Eleventy... I was curious about it, I'm currently learning it now and I'll be writing articles about it

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Followed you to make sure I see them when you publish!

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

That means I can't back out now 😅

peerreynders profile image

FYI: Eleventy vs. Astro

Absolutely nothing wrong with 11ty …

frikishaan profile image
Ishaan Sheikh

Machine learning, cause of its capability to solve many problems (if implemented fairly) for people.

amrelmohamady profile image
Amr Elmohamady

Prisma ORM

vindecodex profile image
Vincent Villaluna

Since i just learned using docker and docker-compose tool in my project I would like to learn kubernetes to scale and manage containerdized application and make use more of docker/containerdized. I'm having fun as a developer that I'm able to do DevOps part by myself.

devash profile image

Dude, Docker is a boon for developers. 🙌🙏

psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi • Edited

If I could just figure out how to get it running...

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devash profile image

Everything takes time to learn.
These two are the best resources for learning Docker.

I hope this helps.

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psypher1 profile image
James 'Dante' Midzi

Thank you, I'll check them out

gabrandalisse profile image
Gabriel Andres

For me is PWA! I love the concept, when I have some free time is the next thing I will learn!

jwoertink profile image
Jeremy Woertink

I kinda of want to learn Mint Lang. It's not super new, but it's starting to gain enough stability now that it might be a pretty nice alternative for front-end. I really dig the approach they're taking with type-safety and such.

maxfindel profile image
Max F. Findel

For me it's this year. My last three freelancing gigs I've done in Next.js and I think it's time to remix things a bit ;)

lyrod profile image

Wow this landing page (on mobile at least)!

brunoj profile image

Seeing a lot of that

christiankozalla profile image
Christian Kozalla • Edited

I want to try out frameworks that take a different approach in delivering content - I mean, if you use the popular meta frameworks for building web*sites* (with only little interactivity compared to apps), they all nicely SSR your HTML, but hydrate once again on the client, which is pure overhead, if your site doesn't need full blown SPA interactivity. The hydration step requires much data to be serialized into json. So duplicated content will be sent over HTML and JS. Plus, we need to take into account that it both takes time to download JS and parse JS and execute JS, which is blocking the main thread..

For building websites I want to check out Qwik, which is super new, and Marko.js, which is not new at all :)

Plus, I wanna check out Go!

alesbe profile image

Tauri for sure. Is used to create multiplatform desktop applications like electron, but replacing the nodejs + chromium backend with Rust, and allows you to create the frontend with any JavaScript framework like react, it has huge performance improvements!

iostreamer profile image
Rahul Ramteke

I was tinkering with the idea of abstracting backend for simple apps and seeing this in action kinda validated that idea 😅

abdurrkhalid333 profile image
Abdur Rehman Khalid

Being a developer for almost 2 and half years, it is one of the things that I have learned is that you can make an enterprise application or project using any JavaScript technology pack and you can also do the same with using any new framework of any legacy programming language is well.

The things that matter most is that there is a need to learn how to understand the requirements by the customer or client and how the client will handle the project after you and how much money the client is able to spend.

So, I will suggest to have a firm grip on basic software development concepts before moving towards learning a new technology.

For the question, I personally looking forward to learn Docker, alongside with Microservices, because I have underestimated the both of these things in the past and currently as well.

nombrekeff profile image

I don't have anything new* in mind at the moment, I'm focusing on improving my current skills at the moment. I jumped between to many technologies, frameworks, libraries etc... a couple years back. It's was interesting and learned quite a bit, but it was a bit of a mess for my mind xD

frankiefab100 profile image
Franklin Ohaegbulam

The most appealing technology to me presently is Blockchain Development (Building Decentralized Application, Deploying Smart contracts, Minting NFTs etc).

This is because I have come to know about the endless possibilities and opportunities in the Web3 space.

Decentralization is so enormous than most of us can think of. Blockchain technology is going to have greater impact to other technologies like Internet of Things(IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Cyber security and more.

codewander profile image

It's not new now, but I would be interested to learn about using and tuning cockroachdb

vaarun_sinha profile image
Vaarun Sinha

Svelte , FastAPI, pyscript

dinerdas profile image
Diner Das

I'll stick to the old stuff :P

maxfindel profile image
Max F. Findel

Proved and tested is also a great way to go!

iamvarandas profile image
André Varandas

Want to get into the so called dapps. Just need a good idea to dig into it. :)

rollergui profile image

Not exactly new, but new'ish haha I love learning new programming languages, checking out the syntax and a bit of how the ecosystem works, and I haven't gotten around to it with RUST

simeg profile image
Simon Egersand 🎈

Web3 and Web Assembly are two technologies I would like to learn more about!

giuliopie profile image
Giulio Piepoli

Web3 and blockchain :D

alco profile image
Jakub Stibůrek

Rust or Go and WASM. I look forward to having a spare time to go down this path.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

I really want to learn Elixir and build something fun with it. Hard to find the time. 😕

leob profile image

Remix.js (the "next Next.js" if I may put it like that)

emmanuilsb profile image
Emmanuil B.

Still trying to get my head artound haskell; its fun tho 😅

almightysonoxo profile image
Almighty Sonoxo

Cyber Security , Because there will always be someone trying to ruin a good a time 😎

aniket0fficial profile image
Aniket Das

How about web3

eshimischi profile image

Deno, Rust as well

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

Rust. I never really worked with a low level language without garbage collector, so I'm curious...

devash profile image

People are talking about Supabase. AppWrite is another great alternative to Firebase. Do check out!