DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v283

Welcome Thread - v283

Flashing text that says Welcome!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. Share your wins from this week in our weekly "What was your win this week? thread.

Top comments (97)

abhinavbharadwajr profile image
Abhinav Bharadwaj R

Hey people, I'm Abhinav Bharadwaj R, a Tech Enthusiast with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently working as a Java Software Developer and actively working to transition into a DevOps Engineer. I love organizing stuff and leading my co-workers to learn and adapt the collaboration process across teams.

I love to code, build things, and get to the bottom of anything to understand how it works. Bit of an old-fashioned and rigid gut but can try a get along.

Check out my portfolio to know more about me and my life.

ddebajyati profile image
Debajyati Dey

Hello and welcome to the community!

abhinavbharadwajr profile image
Abhinav Bharadwaj R

Thanks Buddy 💗 @ddebajyati

ohuton55 profile image
Yuuka Kumai

Hello! I'm looking forward to your posts.

bearmsu profile image
Brandon - Michigan

Hi everyone, I'm Brandon, an Application Support Coordinator for GFS in Grand Rapids, MI. I mostly support devs. But, I have a masters in computer science and engineering and I love to code. I've been focusing for the last year on trying to bring my coding skills back up to par and working very hard. I feel like a newbie for the most part and never understand what's going on when someone else is bringing up their projects. But, I'm always ready to learn and I always work hard. What can I say? I love to code, I love to build things, understand how things work, and I love to solve puzzles.

Kindest Regards,

lustosakev profile image

É um prazer Seu Brandon.

Quando estiver com algum tempo para conversar, podemos compartilhar informações eu atualmente não algum certificado de alta patente mas compartilho de grandes ideias de criação e desenvolvimento, com materiais organizados e documentados é bom começo para estruturar algum projeto e certificar-nos de qualquer atividade recorrente.

Kevyn Lustosa (Comunidade DEV)

ohuton55 profile image
Yuuka Kumai

Hello! I like how you feel about code.

allagisid profile image

Hello All, Siddharam here. I'm Devops learner, C++ enthusiast and hunger to learn Kubernetes, Ansible and Terraform. Having keen interest to learn more about Rust programming language and it's takeover as we hear every other day over C++.

jpdengler profile image
Joseph Dengler

Hi everyone! I'm joey, a soon to be graduating with a BS in Computer Science with concentration in Software Engineering. I'm still a novice developer and hope to reach out with community to strengthen my skills and hopefully the same for others! I've currently been working on my website Portfolio, still a work in progress but coming along great!

Wishing you all the best,

  • Joey
bearmsu profile image
Brandon - Michigan

Welcome Joey, and I love the retro monitor and old school ASCII art and shell prompt for your site!

jpdengler profile image
Joseph Dengler

Thanks! :)

sunday_david_efa6b513398f profile image
sunday david

Hi everyone, I`m Sunday David, a full stack web developer, with good experience in Next.JS/React.JS and Spring boot. Currently learning Vue.JS and Rust. I am fascinated with Rust base on its concurrency handling and Hype from senior devs and for my current Job backend integration. Cheers

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Welcome Everybody, I'm Antonio, CEO at Litlyx. Welcome to this amazing community, here we share thougths and knowledge. If you are a founder feel free to check this Article on dev. You will find a lot of useful projects to find inspiration or leave your project for everybody to see. Love from Italy 🇮🇹.

hazelchamboko profile image

Hi Everyone its Hazel here, a little girl trying to navigate through data science and front end at the same time, Still trying to figure out what i like the most between the two. Hope i will learn a lot from you guys. Cheers!

herald_68 profile image
Uchiha Itachi

Hi! I'm Salman Sajid a tech enthusiast who had been learning programming until now in a mildly structured way which has resulted into pure confusion and dilemma. But I think dev community will be helpful for me and I'm optimistic that I would be able to become a pragmatic and excellent programmer who will contribute to this progressive field.
My favourite language so far are python (which I've been learning till now), C++ and java.
I am interested in the field of machine learning, web development, data science, system design as well as in tons of Cs fields.

lustosakev profile image

Olá pessoal, eu sou o Kevyn e pode chamar-me de Roberto também.

Atualmente estou praticando FrontEnd com o básico JS, CSS e HRML.
Estou também, iniciando pesquisas com alguns frameworks, como React, Angular e Vue, tenho interesse em alguns de CSS também. O framework que mais tenho prática é a biblioteca P5.js.
Estou promovendo minha patente no FrontEnd para seguir com práticas no BackEnd, que tenho bastante ideias e interesse.
Gosto bastante de eletrônica e hardware e futuramente pretendo compartilha com vocês mas detalhes sobre minhas ideais e também, o meu plano de desenvolvimento com universo desenvolvedor.
Adoro dados, engenharia e ciência, gosto de topologia. Então detalhes e um bom levantamento do relacionamento dos mesmo, é sempre a estrutura de algum projeto que quero iniciar. Espero aumentar meu Networking e diverti-me com vocês a comunidade.

Gratificações e até mais, ótimas atividades!

ahargunyllib profile image

Hi guys, I'm Billy, a Computer Science Student in Brawijaya University, Indonesia. I'm currently learning Java for Data Structures and Algorithms; Python for Machine Learning; C++ for Competitive Programming; Typescript, React, Nextjs for Frontend Web; Nodejs, Laravel, Go for Backend, and Flutter, Kotlin for Mobile. If you interested in collaborating or working with me, you can check my portfolio website on My Website. Love from Indonesia!

guptachitranshi profile image

Hi everyone,I'm Chitranshi Gupta, currently a 3rd-year BCA student with a keen interest in web development and software engineering. I'm excited to join this community to learn, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Looking forward to connecting with fellow developers and growing together!
Best regards,
Chitranshi Gupta

matin676 profile image
Matin Imam

Hello Techies!!! I'm Matin Imam, a Full Stack Web Developer, experienced in MERN Stack. Currently, learning NextJs and OpenSource. Cheers😊😊!!!

Check out my [Portfolio]( here...

sofoniyas_kediryesuf_dfb profile image
Sofoniyas Kedir Yesuf

I am a skilled backend developer with expertise in PHP and JavaScript programming languages. I specialize in building robust and efficient server-side applications and APIs. With a strong understanding of databases, algorithms, and web development principles, I excel at creating dynamic and scalable functionalities for web applications. My passion for problem-solving and continuous learning drives me to deliver high-quality, secure, and optimized backend solutions.

balaji_k_9acf1ba85b58f4a2 profile image
Balaji K

Hi everyone! Balaji here, I'm ML intern and tech enthusiastic especially in AI/ML domain. I hope l'll connect with you and learn lot of things in my domain. Passionate about continuous learning and embracing innovative solutions. Let's connect and discover things together.

darshan_mukadam profile image
darshan mukadam • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Darshan, an Android developer with 8+ years of experience. Currently working as a senior Android Developer. I love problem solving and brainstorming new ideas.

I'm currently leading and actively developing an app that has surpassed 50K installs and still counting.

I've experience in working with diverse and global teams, including members from the U.S., Egypt, Australia, etc.

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