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Cover image for Last Chance to Join the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV ⚠️
Jess Lee Subscriber for The DEV Team

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Last Chance to Join the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV ⚠️

This is your final reminder that The DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV closes on Sunday, January 10th, 2021 @ 11:59 PM PT (8 AM UTC the following day)

Can you believe that the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV closes at the end of this week?! 😱

We know a lot of you have already gotten your submissions in, but for those of you who like to wait until the 11th hour (hey, no judgment), consider this your friendly and final reminder to build those apps using DigitalOcean's App Platform and write up your official entry post.

Let me just say that the judges are already blown away by the submissions we've seen. Picking grand prize winners and runners-up is going to be a tough challenge for us 😅

What do you stand to gain as a Hackathon winner? A special, shiny DEV profile badge, swag, and $10,000 in total cash prizes. That's one way to start off 2021 on a high note, right?

>> Full details and participation rules here


additional resources in this post.

Good luck, everyone!

Top comments (5)

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Let's go, Random Rouletters! Can't wait to see how out-of-the-box you all get with that category!

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

On the way to deploy soon

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro • Edited

I'll be submitting a random roulette soon... nothing fancy though 😳

Is it ok to make changes in the submission after submitting?

spiritupbro profile image


robertobutti profile image
Roberto B.

Deployed, now it is time to submit! Thank you for the opportunity 🚀🚀🚀