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Cover image for Congrats to the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge Winners! staff for The DEV Team

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Congrats to the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge Winners!

WOW! We are so impressed with everyone that submitted to The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge. From file syncing services to music exploration apps to pet shop software, our DEV team of judges were overwhelmed by the number of high quality submissions we received.

We hope all participants are feeling proud of what they accomplished and what they learned, regardless of whether or not they won. This was truly a tight competition.

Congratulations To…

Overall Prompt Winner

Congratulations to @sidjs and @shivamsharma1 for a tremendous application which used all the integrations of the Feature Full category, while producing a truly delightful and useful experience.

This app delivers an AI-augmented experience with great UI and is a remarkable demonstration of what can be accomplished with Amplify.

Additional Prize Category Winners

Connected Components:

Congratulations to @travislramos for their silky-smooth budgeting app, making tremendous use of Connected Components to deliver a delightful user experience.

Feature Full

Congratulations to @maludecks for an awesomely creative and brilliantly executed submission, a fun and interactive demonstration of Amplify and all the components of this challenge.

This was an application which needed to use all categories of the Feature Full submission to deliver the full user experience.

Our three winners will receive the following prizes:

Prompt Winner (1)

  • $1,500 USD Gift Card or Equivalent
  • Exclusive DEV Badge
  • A gift from the DEV Shop

Additional Prize Category Winners (2)

  • $750 USD Gift Card or Equivalent
  • Exclusive DEV Badge
  • A gift from the DEV Shop

All Participants with a valid submission will receive a completion badge on their DEV profile.

Our Sponsor

We want to give a big shout out to AWS Amplify for organizing this challenge with us. @aspittel and team were an absolute delight to work with. Follow their org to keep up-to-date with AWS:

What’s next?

New challenges launch on Wednesdays! Follow the challenge tag so you don’t miss any announcements:


This is the official tag for submissions and announcements related to DEV Challenges.

Thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you had fun, felt challenged, and maybe added a thing or two to your professional profile. See you next time!

Top comments (18)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

WOO-HOO! Congratulations! 🥳 @sidjs @shivamsharma1 @travislramos @maludecks

sidjs profile image
Sidharth Sreejil

Thank you so much! Congrats to everyone else <3

travislramos profile image
Travis Ramos

Thank you! And congratulations to everyone else!

shivamsharma1 profile image
Shivam Sharma

Thanks a lot! It was a wonderful experience. Congrats to everyone else!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Congrats everyone, some really epic submissions here.

sidjs profile image
Sidharth Sreejil

Thank you guys! It was really fun working on this challenge <3

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


maludecks profile image
Malu Decks

🥳🥳🥳 thank you!! this was really fun, congrats everyone!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Really fun app

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Well done, everyone!!

travislramos profile image
Travis Ramos

Thank you, I had a blast working on this challenge! Congratulations to everyone who entered and participated as well!

johnboris profile image

Wooooow, @sidjs ,@shivamsharma1 @travislramos , @maludecks

shivamsharma1 profile image
Shivam Sharma

Thank you so much!

katvengo profile image
Kat Vengoechea

This was a fun challenge! When do we get to see the badge on our profile? I submitted but haven't seen a badge.

sojinsamuel profile image
Sojin Samuel

Wonderful submissions

shivamsharma1 profile image
Shivam Sharma

Thank you to everyone for making this challenge happen! It was a wonderful experience and learnt a lot!

nivekalara237 profile image
Kevin Lactio Kemta


slaffyjoe24 profile image
Global Admin #devazureslaffy19821
