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Getting started with JavaScript - Chapter 3 🚀

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**Welcome, my dear coders! I hope you are all having a codelicious weekend! Here we are, at our third chapter of the Getting started with javascript series. Today, we will tackle the functions, scopes, bindings, different types of function, the call stack and more. Stay with me, let's learn JavaScript and get you a first programming job! 🚀

I am hyped!


The day before yesterday, I discussed a function, where we explained that the functions represent the concept of wrapping a piece of a program. It gives us a way to structure larger programs, assign subprograms a name, reduce repetition, and isolate these subprograms from each other.


A function definition is a regular binding where the value of the binding is a function. Let's define a function that will produce the square of a given number:

const square = function(x){
   return x*x;
console.log(square(8)); //output: 64
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  • Expression that starts with the keyword function.
  • Set of parameters (in this case x)
  • Body of the function - contains statements that are to be executed when the function is called.


Each binding has a scope, which is the part of the program in which the binding is visible. For binding defined outside of any function or block, the scope is the whole program - also known as global scope.

Bindings that are created for function parameters or declared inside a function can be referenced only in that function - also known as local scope.


let x = 3;
if (true){
  let y = 25;
  var z = 3;
  console.log(x + y + z); // output: 31
//y is not visible here 
//but z is visible, because it is declared as var not let
//if we declare a variable in local scope with the var keyword
//a variable will be visible outside the local scope
//does not apply to variables declared with let keyword
console.log(x + z); //output: 6
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If we were to access y outside local scope we would get something like this:

Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined


JavaScript distinguishes not just global and local bindings. Blocks and functions can be created inside other blocks and functions, producing multiple degrees of the locality.

const pizza_dough = (factor) =>{
  const ingredient = function(amount, unit, name){
    let ingredientAmount = amount*factor;
    if (ingredientAmount > 1){  
      unit += "s";
    console.log(`${ingredientAmount} ${unit} ${name}`);
  ingredient(0.5, "cup", "warm water");
  ingredient(1, "package", "active dry yeast");
  ingredient(3, "cup", "bread flour");
  ingredient(2, "tablespoon", "extra virgin oil");
  ingredient(2, "teaspoon", "salt");
  ingredient(1, "teaspoon", "sugar");
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The code inside the ingredient function can see the factor binding from the outer function. But its local bindings, such as unit or ingredientAmount are not visible in the outer function;


In the previous code section, I used what is called an arrow function. So, instead of the function keyword, it uses an arrow made up of an equal sign and a greater-than character (=>)

The arrow comes after the list of parameters and is followed by the function's body. It expresses something like this specific input, with specific parameters, will produce the following result;

Let's convert our square function into an arrow function:

const square = (x) => { return x*x; }; //an arrow function
const square = x => x*x; //remove paranthesees when only parameter
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These are the same arrow functions and will produce the same result as a regular function notation.


A call stack is a stack data structure (that we will talk about very soon) that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program. This kind of stack is also known as an execution stack, program stack, control stack, run-time stack, or machine stack.


The primary purpose of the call stack is to store the return addresses. When a subroutine is called, the location (address) of the instruction at which the calling routine can later resume needs to be saved somewhere.

In a call stack, each task can have its own stack, and thus the subroutine can be thread-safe, that is, can be active simultaneously for different tasks doing different things.

Depending on the language, operating system, and machine environment, a call stack may serve additional purposes, including:

  • Local data storage
  • Parameter passing
  • Evaluation stack
  • Pointer to the current instance
  • Enclosing subroutine context
  • Another returning state


The call stack is composed of Stack frames (activation records or activation frames). Visual representation of a stack is just that, a stack:

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The stack frame at the top of the stack is for the currently executing routine. The stack frame usually includes at least the following items (in push order):

  • The arguments (parameter values) passed to the routine
  • The return address back to the routine's caller
  • Space for the local variables of the routine

Example of the stack operations:
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  • push - adds element on the top of the stack (OverflowException)
  • pop - reads and removes an element from the top of the stack (UnderflowException)
  • getTop - reads an element from the top of the stack, but does not remove it
  • isEmpty - checks if the stack is empty
  • numberOfElements - gets the number of elements in the stack


JavaScript is extremely broad-minded about the number of arguments you pass to a function. If you pass too many, the extra ones are ignored. If you pass to few, the missing parameters get assigned the value of undefined.
DOWNSIDE - it is possible - likely, even - that you'll accidentally pass the wrong number of arguments to
UPSIDE - Behaviour can be used to allow a function to be called with different numbers of arguments.


function minus(a, b){
  if (b === undefined) return -a;
  else return a-b;
console.log(minus(10)); //output: -10
console.log(minus(10, 5)); //output: 5

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It is perfectly okay for a function to call itself, as long as it doesn't do it so often that it overflows the stack. A function that calls itself is called a recursive function.

function power(base, exponent){
  if (exponent === 0){
    return 1;
  } else{
    return base * power(base, exponent - 1);
console.log(power(3, 2)); //output: 9
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This is very close to the way mathematicians define exponentiation and arguably describes the concept more clearly than the looping variant.

The problem with this implementation is that in typical JavaScript implementation it's about three times slower than the looping version.


  • The functions represent the concept of wrapping a piece of a program. It gives us a way to structure larger programs, assign subprograms a name, reduce repetition, and isolate these subprograms from each other.
  • Binding defined outside of any function or block, the scope is the whole program - also known as global scope.
  • Bindings that are created for function parameters or declared inside a function can be referenced only in that function - also known as local scope.
  • Blocks and functions can be created inside other blocks and functions
  • The arrow comes after the list of parameters and is followed by the function's body. It expresses something like this specific input, with specific parameters, will produce the following result
  • A call stack is a stack data structure (that we will talk about very soon) that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program.
  • The primary purpose of the call stack is to store the return addresses.
  • The call stack is composed of Stack frames (activation records or activation frames).
  • JavaScript is extremely broad-minded about the number of arguments you pass to a function. If you pass too many, the extra ones are ignored. If you pass to few, the missing parameters get assigned the value of undefined.
  • A function that calls itself is called a recursive function.


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