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8 Habits That Hold Back Your Developer Potential

Thomas Sentre on August 28, 2023

We all dream of becoming better developers, reaching new heights in our careers, and leaving a significant mark in the tech world. Yet, sometimes, ...
serhiiilin profile image
Serhii Ilin

Sounds like a summary of my career achievements

abmakes profile image
Adriaan Boshoff

This comment. I feel you.

dibyajyotimahanta profile image
Dibya Jyoti Mahanta

So true 😂

dopamine0 profile image
Roee Fl

@serhiiilin great

tsolan profile image
Eugene • Edited

Great article!
I would like to add, there might also be an opposite occasion to sticking to single stack: trying to embrace too many different things, dispersing and distracting yourself, and as a result - spent so much time, but nothing you’re really adept at…

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Absolutely, great point! It's a fine line between specialization and spreading too thin. Striking that balance is key for meaningful progress. Thanks for adding that perspective.

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman

You could write a whole article on work-life balance and mental health of developers. My brain thinks if we did not try to please the industry so much we would probably be happier. What happened to good old spaghetti code and not caring what the client thinks?

michaeltaylor profile image
Michael R. Taylor

Great post! Perfectionism is, at least in my mind, such a time killer. At least to me, I've wasted so much time trying to find "the absolute best" solutions to some problems that I would have had a working product if I had just gotten to work on "good enough".

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

curtainup profile image
Elyse Dawson

My life

stungnet profile image

Good post !

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Thank you! I'm glad you found the article helpful.

araaranomi profile image
Ara Ara no Mi

How many courses are there to improve soft skills and communication if you are an introvert who doesn't like getting out of home?

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

really good post! anyone who works even just little bit on any one of these each day is on their way to a great career.

nice job friend, and keep up the great work!

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

I really appreciate your feedback.

tiffanypetrus profile image
Tiffany Petrus

Awesome post!
I'm at a mid-level, and alot of these points are so relatable

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Thanks, Tiffany! I'm glad you found the post relatable.

arthurlucass profile image
Arthur Lucas

This is amazing post!!

haleks profile image
Alvaro Kadja • Edited

I feel now, Thank you great post

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

I really appreciate your feedback.

muizzyranking profile image
Muiz Oyebowale

This is a really valuable post.

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Thank you so much for your kind words!

tehawanka profile image
Bartek Mendecki

thats valuable!

devland profile image
Thomas Sentre

Thank you, Bartek.

armshare profile image

I agree with this article Even though I still can't overcome some of them.

tehczpoint profile image


ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer

I doubt that procrastination is a result of bad time management, like you might suggest in the first paragraph, but rather about a lot of reasons mentioned later on that make us want to procrastinate in the first place, like fearing failure, tedious tasks, or inconvenient challenges. Thanks for putting together such a lot of helpful advice!

clickit_devops profile image
ClickIT - DevOps and Software Development

Loving this post! The tasks and workflow of developers bring many rewards, but they can make it easy to fall into the habits you mentioned. And they are definitely related to one another...if you prioritize work-life balance, you'll know you have to take advantage of the time you do dedicate to work. That means less procrastinating. Also, improving your soft skills, communication and collaboration can be learned outside of work, in day-to-day activities, making that work-live balance even more relevant.

artxe2 profile image
Yeom suyun • Edited

This post is not limited to developers only.
It includes concepts that are repeatedly mentioned in various self-improvement books.

franciscolunadev82 profile image
Francisco Luna 🌙

Good job on this post, Thomas! I'd like to share a habit that can significantly improve communication skills. Try meeting strangers frequently and smiling. I know it doesn't sound like a game-changer, but it truly is. It helps you step out of your comfort zone.

ryanpwalker profile image
Ryan Walker

Definitely written by Chat-GPT

bahrambasdak profile image

This is great