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Bishwas Bhandari
Bishwas Bhandari

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Are you a Mac, Windows or Linux user?

Are you a Mac, Windows or Linux user?

Me: #Linux ❤️‍🔥

Ubuntu Users vs Windows vs Linux users Vote Now!!

Top comments (57)

thorondormanwe profile image
Carlos Rangel

I used to learn programming in Windows but then I started The Odin Project and they recommend to use Ubuntu so I installed it in an old laptop and now I learn JavaScript in this machine :), I really like the experience

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Specially, the flexibility and smoothness is too good!

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

I am a Ubuntu/Debia user for 4 years, what about you bro?

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Yes brother, Ubuntu is really a great operating system!

jcs224 profile image
Joe Sweeney

I've been a happy Linux (Pop!_OS) user for almost two years and it's my primary OS now. Before that, I mostly used a Mac. I dual-boot into Windows sometimes for gaming.

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Yeah, Linux lacks gaming resources, softwares, games stores.

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

The first OS I remember using was CP/M+; after a few years, I switched to different versions of DOS. I tried Windows 1.0 for a week and dismissed it. Windows 3.0 was the first version I kept longer than a week and Windows 3.11 for Workgroups replaced DOS for me entirely - but not for too long: a friend have me a CD with a new OS called Linux, or more precise DLD 1.0, the first German distribution. After working out a few issues with my hardware, this soon became my daily driver, later to be replaced by a newer German distribution called SuSe. Then I went to university and tried Debian, Linux from scratch and Gentoo.

A later employment meant I had to use Windows 7 at work. Since I had less time, I moved to Ubuntu on my personal box. My employer switched to Windows 10, but soon after, I switched my job and the new one allowed me to run Linux on my work laptop.

After some nagging issues with systemd in Ubuntu, I looked for a distro without it; arch linux or void linux were on my list to be tested. I first tested the latter and was positively surprised. So that's what I use right now.

tmchuynh profile image
Tina Huynh
developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

I am a Ubuntu/Debia user for 4 years, what about you?

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Btw, I use Ubuntu!

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

That's great!

pandademic profile image

I use all 3:

  • I mostly use arch for the actually hard work , except on my pi

  • I use a mac for research

  • for the quick and dirty stuff , like a trivial patch to a project, I use windows , mainly since its waiting on my laptop.

fastline21 profile image
Joshwa Facistol

Windows for work and Linux for home.

mrdulin profile image
official_dulin • Edited

I am an all platform user.

Linux - Docker, Cloud Compute machine
MacOS: Coding, working
Windows: Game, entertainment

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

Wow, that's cool. But I need to work harder to be like you.

_jhohannes profile image

I use windows but I love linux

gamerseo profile image

It is different in our company, but the division is rather equal.

tqbit profile image
tq-bit • Edited

I use all three of them by now.

  • Linux for development & note taking
  • Mac for work (dev + office)
  • Windows for personal organisation / budget / office suite / gaming

My muscle memory often gets confused though.

light9 profile image
Matthew Terrence

lol I was coming in to give the same answer. Windows at my day job and both Mac and Linux on my personal devices.

gjorgivarelov profile image

RHEL 8 for development, Mac for personal computing, switching between the two via SSH tuneling/remote desktop/Cockpit. I often end up writing code on the Red Hat server via remote connection from my Mac because... quality of screen.

jeoxs profile image
José Aponte

Windows User. I've used Linux for many years, but I got tired of fixing a lot of incompatible things. I'm also a gamer, so that's another reason I switched to Windows.

While Linux gives you freedom in many aspects, you have to invest time and effort to configure things. Also, All my development work can be done on Windows. In the end, I was using Linux "for fun".

mustafif profile image

I use Linux mainly, but I also have a Windows Laptop with WSL2 installed. I prefer Linux for programming, Windows makes installing packages so extra, but for me specifically, I tend to prefer Debian distros because of the familiarity.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

I never knew about Linux or Mac but when I came to university in 2007 I first got in touch with Fedora and Debian. That was such a different experience. I then started to use Ubuntu and derivatives for development and all my other things (besides Gaming) in 2010. Since 2016 I stay with Xubuntu as I love the lightweight and modularity of the xfce while at the same time get the benefits of Ubuntu's ability to integrate with so many tools and programs. At work I use Mac and it's a great experience to get into the zone but installing tools or debugging issues on OS level is sometimes hard and as not as fluent as with Ubuntu.