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Devang Tomar
Devang Tomar

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The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows Anymore 👴🏻🚀

In a digital era driven by cutting-edge technology, an unexpected hero emerges from the shadows: COBOL, a 64-year-old programming language quietly orchestrating 3 trillion dollars worth of transactions daily. But heres the catchhardly anyone knows it anymore. This article dives deep into the reliance on COBOL, the scarcity of skilled programmers, and IBMs ambitious solution with Watsonx. 💻💸

🕰 A Legacy Language Still in Control

Despite being neglected by educational institutions, COBOL thrives in critical industries like banking, automotive, insurance, government, healthcare, and finance. A staggering 43 percent of banking systems still rely on COBOL, managing $3 trillion daily transactions, including a whopping 95 percent of all US ATM activity and 80 percent of in-person credit card transactions. The problem? Few are eager to learn the language, and those who can handle it are aging out of the workforce.

🤔 The Conundrum: Code Maintenance vs. Skill Shortage

Maintaining and modernizing COBOL is crucial, but the shortage of skilled workers poses a significant challenge. The dwindling tribe of COBOL cowboys is facing retirement, and the quest for replacements yields slim pickings. The stage is set for a conundrum: how do we keep the wheels turning without the skilled hands needed to maintain the code?

🤖 Enter Watsonx: AI to the Rescue

IBM steps into the arena with a bold propositionWatsonx, an AI-powered code assistant designed to bridge the gap. The concept is simple yet groundbreaking: Watsonx transforms aging COBOL code into a more modern language, sparing programmers countless hours of reprogramming. Its akin to ChatGPT translating English into Esperanto, but for coding.

🚀 IBMs Vision: An AI-Powered Coding Revolution

Keri Olson, IBMs Vice President of Product Management, IT Automation, unveils the magic behind Watsonx. Its an end-to-end solution involving a multi-step process. Once the application landscape, data flow, and dependencies are understood, applications are refactored. Developers then selectively choose smaller pieces for modernization. But heres the catchWatsonx is not a developer replacement; its a productivity enhancement. The partnership between humans and AI remains essential.

🌌 Hurdles on the Horizon: Skepticism and Uncertainty

While Watsonx holds the promise of a coding revolution, skepticism looms. The ghosts of IBMs past, notably the Watson Health project, make some wary. Arun Chandrasekara, Gartner Distinguished Vice President and Analyst, raises concerns, stating, IBM has no case studies, at this time, to validate its claims. The cautionary wait and see approach prevails, as the AI generation is still in its early stages.

🔮 The Future: Bright or Uncertain?

As Watsonx takes its first steps, the industry watches with bated breath. IBM acknowledges the newness and unproven nature of the technology but remains optimistic about its potential. The journey is just beginning, and the intersection of Z computing, mainframe experience, and AI might pave the way for a revolutionary AI experience.

🌈 Conclusion: Navigating the Future with Watsonx

In a world where 60-year-old code dictates financial ecosystems, Watsonx emerges as a beacon of hope. Will it be the silver bullet to the COBOL conundrum, or will skepticism prevail? Only time will tell. As we stand on the precipice of a coding revolution, the collaboration between human ingenuity and AI innovation holds the key to steering the course of our digital future. 💡🤖

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