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Shubham Jadhav
Shubham Jadhav

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5 Most Unused and Ununderstood HTML TagsπŸš€

Here are 5 most rare used html tags which we learn today. While they might familiar but still quite useful in some situations.
So let's start learning most 5 html unused tags...

  1. abbr tag

    abbr tag only used for define abbreviated words. You need to define a title inside a tag and when a user is hover on it the full definition appears below.
    abbr tag is rarely used, but the benefits are many for screen readers, search engine and spellchecker.
    abbr tag

2.fieldset tag

 Fieldset is a nifty little attribute that you can add to your forms to logically group form elements. Once applied the fieldset tag draws a box around the elements within the fieldset. 
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fieldset tag

3.ins tag

If you want underline without using css, then use ins tag. This tag add underline of the text which is inside the ins tag.
ins tag

4.del tag

This tag is as similar to ins tag but the difference is ins tag used to underline words and del tag is shown what's been taken out with a strikthrough.

del tag

5.cite tag

cite tag is used to define text inside other elements for a reference. Typically the browser will render the text inside of the cite tag in italics. The cite tag is really useful for citing bibliographic and other site references.
cite tag

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Top comments (1)

teamradhq profile image

I think that you misunderstand the purpose of these tags...

None of these tags are used to define visual styles on content because HTML has nothing to do with visual styles. It's a semantic language that is used to describe its content...

If you want to apply visual styling to your page, use CSS.

The abbr tag is used for abbreviations. Your example is invalid HTML, because use is not an abbreviation of html tags.

A valid use of abbr tag would be:

<abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr>
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The ins tag is used to represent inserted text. It it NOT used to apply underline to text. If you want to apply an underline to element text, use CSS.

So a correct example of underlining text would be:

<p>Joe is <span style="text-decoration: underline;">cleaver</span> boy.</p>
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A correct example of using the ins tag might be to show document revisions:

<!-- Before -->
<p>Some text about stuff.</p>

<!-- After -->
<p>Some text about stuff <ins>and things</ins>.</p>
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The del is the inverse of ins, it is used to symbolise text that was removed:

<p>Some text about stuff <del>and things</del>.</p>
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This tag is used all the time. A common example would be for discounted items on an ecommerce website:

<div class="price">
  <del class="full-price">$199.99</del>
  <span class="discount-price">$149.99</span>
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If you want to apply a visual strikethrough style to your content, use CSS:

<p>Joe is <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">cleaver</span> boy.</p>

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The cite tag is used to define the title of a creative work:

<cite>Animal Farm</cite> by George Orwell
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If you want to apply visual italic style, use CSS:

<span style="font-style: italic">italic</span>
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If you want to emphasise a particular portion of text, use em tag:

The emphasis should be on <em>this text</em>.
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