DEV Community

Abdul Haseeb
Abdul Haseeb

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Master Full-Stack

Image description


├─Tiny Project
├── Git and GitHub
├── Tailwind CSS
├── Project
├── JavaScript
├─ DOM
├── API
├── Node.js
├── Database
└Full-stack Project


├── HTML
│ └── HTML5 semantics
│ └── Forms and input elements
│ └── Multimedia elements (audio, video)
│ └── Accessibility (ARIA roles)

├── CSS
│ └── CSS3 features (flexbox, grid)
│ └── Responsive design
│ └── CSS preprocessors (e.g., SASS, LESS)
│ └── CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)

├── Tiny Project
│ └── Git and GitHub
│ └── Basic commands (clone, commit, push, pull)
│ └── Branching strategies (feature branches, release branches)
│ └── Merging and resolving conflicts
│ └── GitHub collaboration (forks, pull requests)

├── Tailwind CSS
│ └── Tailwind utility classes
│ └── Customizing and extending Tailwind styles
│ └── Responsive design with Tailwind
│ └── Extracting and optimizing CSS with PurgeCSS

├── Project
│ └── JavaScript
│ └── ES6+ features (arrow functions, destructuring, async/await)
│ └── Closures and the 'this' keyword
│ └── Prototypes and inheritance
│ └── Design patterns (e.g., module pattern)

│ └── DOM Manipulation
│ └── Selecting and modifying DOM elements
│ └── Event propagation and delegation
│ └── AJAX and Fetch API
│ └── WebSockets for real-time communication

│ └── React/Angular/Vue/Svelte
│ └── Advanced state management (Redux, Vuex, etc.)
│ └── Routing and navigation in a single-page application
│ └── Component lifecycle and hooks
│ └── Stateful vs Stateless components
│ └── Testing components (unit and integration tests)

│ └── API
│ └── Authentication methods (JWT, OAuth)
│ └── GraphQL fundamentals
│ └── API security best practices
│ └── Handling webhooks
│ └── GraphQL vs REST

│ └── Node.js
│ └── Filesystem and streams
│ └── Middleware development
│ └── Asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises
│ └── WebSocket servers with Node.js
│ └── Express.js middleware and routing

├── Database
│ └── Relational databases
│ └── Database normalization
│ └── SQL joins and subqueries
│ └── Indexing and optimization
│ └── Transactions and concurrency control

│ └── NoSQL databases
│ └── Data modeling in NoSQL databases
│ └── MongoDB aggregation pipeline
│ └── Indexing and sharding
│ └── CAP theorem

└── Full-stack Project
└── Integration testing (e.g., Jest, Mocha)
└── User authentication and authorization flows
└── OAuth integration for third-party authentication
└── Deploying applications to cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure)
└── Containerization (Docker)
└── Building RESTful APIs
└── Real-time features with WebSockets
└── Web security (SSL/TLS, HTTPS)
└── Performance monitoring and optimization
└── Logging and error tracking
└── CI/CD pipelines with tools like Jenkins or GitHub Actions

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