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Ismail Moustafa
Ismail Moustafa

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Introducing data-standards: Simplifying Data Standardization

Hey there, fellow developers! πŸ–οΈ Are you tired of wrestling with data standards like ISO, ANSI, and others in your projects? Do you wish there was an easier way to manage and parse those pesky standard codes? Well, fret no more because we've got just the solution for you – introducing data standards, your new best friend for simplifying data standardization in your projects!

Why Data Standards Are Your Jam

Before we dive into the library, let's take a quick second to talk about why data standards library. First Most data-standard libraries focus more on countries and currencies, and I faced that I needed countries' data related to Football Abbreviations, so I decided to learn more about web scrapping and data collecting and finished by making a small library provides this data in addition to basic iso data like currencies, languages and looking to add more standards data.

Let's take a look at how the library works

First @desoukysvyc/data-collector package is a comprehensive collection of data related to ISO standard codes. It provides a simple and efficient way to access information about countries, languages, currencies, and more, based on ISO standards. Also, each standard has its own package

All you need to do to get start

npm i  @desoukysvyc/data-collector 
npm i {data-library}
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Once installed, you can start using the library in your projects right away. Check out the documentation for detailed usage instructions and examples.

Future Plans

I'm committed to continuously improving and expanding data standards to meet the evolving needs of users. In the future, we plan to add support for additional data standards.

Thank you for your interest in data standards. I welcome your feedback and suggestions for further improvements. Happy coding!

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