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Finally a clean and easy way to add Table of Contents to articles 🤩

Lucy Linder on January 02, 2023

Contrary to other platforms, doesn't have built-in support for Table of Contents (TOCs). Many articles describe tricks to generate TOCs, but...
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Rock on! Awesome work, Lucy! 🙌

This actually came up in discussion last week in @szabgab's post here:

The post is about more than just ToCs, but Gabor illustrates his point with an example saying it'd be cool to have the option to see the raw MD of a post to see how folks are creating interesting things in MD, like a ToC.

Anywho, it's just really cool to see this come to fruition a week after that convo. Really appreciate ya adding DEV support to this tool!

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

Thanks for the kind words and the share !
Good timing indeed 😄 I am all for the "show source" button, it would be an awesome addition to Markdown is so easy and yet so complex at times!

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder • Edited

UPDATE: I just discovered DOES create anchors (GitLab style - with space concatenation). I just updated BitDownToc online and the article to match this finding!

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Cool approach to generating TOCs for DEV posts.

Your explanation of how to manually add a TOC on DEV isn't entirely correct. You don't actually need to create the anchors yourself. DEV automatically creates anchors for every section just like GitHub does in READMEs.

The anchor is formed by dropping any symbols from the section heading, lowercasing the section heading, and replacing spaces with dashes. For example, the following section heading:

## Section Heading + Hyphenated-Word
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Will get an anchor by removing the + and -, lowercasing everything and replacing spaces with -. So you can link to it with:

[Link Text](#section-heading-hyphenatedword)
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derlin profile image
Lucy Linder • Edited

Yeah, I just saw... I feel stupid having missed that... I updated BitDownToc online to match this finding and changed part of the article, thank you !!

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

No reason to feel stupid. It is more of an example of the importance of your TOC tool. It seems every site's markdown processor is a little different. Your TOC tool looks very useful especially because of that. With your tool, there is no reason to remember the differences in how anchors are formed. Very cool. Maybe there's a way to integrate it directly with DEV's editor.

farcellier profile image
Fabien Arcellier

It's excellent. I love that it's idempotent and at any point in writing I can generate the table of contents again. Thank you :)

pixelrena profile image

Very useful and quick!! Thanks so much, I didn't think such a tool would exist :o

bcouetil profile image
Benoit COUETIL 💫 • Edited

Thank you, very useful 🙏

May I suggest 2 things :

  • Adding a comment saying where it is generated, then I would not have to remember :
<!-- TOC generated with -->
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  • TOC start/end should be one empty line away from actual TOC, because IDEs like VSCode want to add one before TOC start and want to indent TOC end with last section, forcing me to edit before saving.
{%- # TOC start -%}

- [Introduction](#introduction)
  - [S3 specific outputs](#s3-specific-outputs)
- [Conclusion](#conclusion)

{%- # TOC end -%}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

Very good suggestions indeed! Can you create issues on github so I don't forget them? Thank you for your valuable input

bcouetil profile image
Benoit COUETIL 💫

done 😊

zankyr profile image

I have always been very comfortable with the IntelliJ feature to generate a TOC: a simple key combination et voilà, the TOC is created.
But I realized that the format used is not understood by everyone : for example Visual Studio Code and do not digest very well the <!-- TOC --> tags generated by IJ (the closing tag is always displayed in the generated markdown).
Also, I found that some particular headers are not well managed. For example this anchor
[Delete all local branches not matching the provided name(s)](#delete-all-local-branches-not-matching-the-provided-name--s-) doesn't work in The same anchor, generated by bitdowntoc, works just fine: [Delete all local branches not matching the provided name(s)](#delete-all-local-branches-not-matching-the-provided-names)

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

So happy you liked it! anchor generation is a mess... It took me a while to figure out how to reproduce the algorithm using Kotlin Multiplatform. I am planning on writing an article about it, stay tuned!

yo1995 profile image
Ting • Edited

Welp, I guess this is kind of a clickbait title. 🤷‍♂️ There have been many Markdown TOC tools available, and I only decide to give this a read because I thought is gonna support TOC natively, just like GitHub markdown. If I need to copy paste my content back and forth just to generate TOC, then I probably gonna mess up the formatting at some point.

derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

Did you give bitdowntoc a try before writing this comment?

I would be interested in your advices to make the experience more streamlined. Currently you copy from, paste to bitdowntoc, click, click, paste again on This makes it difficult to "mess up".

The only better approach would be a chrome extension integrating bitdowntoc, but I unfortunately don't have time for that right now.

yo1995 profile image

Thanks for your response. I tried the tool and it works as explained. My complaint was only about the title "Finally a clean and easy way to add Table of Contents to articles" - I was hoping to see adding this functionality natively, but apparently they don't bother doing this.
Using online editor might be easy for edit-what-you-see workflow, but when it comes to managing separately hosted images, copy-paste get a a bit tricky. Thus I hope they'll have a native TOC button online, or I have to stick to the local editor with plugin.

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derlin profile image
Lucy Linder

+1 for a built-in tool!