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Put Down the Destructuring Hammer

Derek N. Davis on February 18, 2021

Destructuring is one of JavaScript's most handy features. Once I wrapped my head around the odd-looking syntax, I was a big fan of what it can do. ...
dorshinar profile image
Dor Shinar

I'm sorry, that's a straw man argument.
You hand picked bad examples of destructuring, and made the case that using plain old dot notation is superior.
There are a lot of cases where destructuring makes for much simpler code, of the top of my head I can pull out React functional components' props:

const A = ({a, b, c}) => ...
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I believe most people will agree that using props.a|b|c all over makes the code more verbose and not easier to understand.

Same goes for utility-like objects, where each property does not bare inherent relation to the others.

const { toSnakeCase } = stringUtils;
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Regarding ambiguity, your examples are examples where I don't know anyone who would destructure in the first place, but in other cases (like React's useState), destructuring helps you give better, more meaningful names to your objects.

derekmt12 profile image
Derek N. Davis

I think we're on the same page. I'm just giving light to the fact that we shouldn't destructure everything just because we can. There are trade offs. I'm not saying it's all bad. I still like destructuring props and other things where it makes sense.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

Well, I'm not trying to be argumentative but... (Ned Stark said that everything before the "but" is BS). As a React dev myself, I very much appreciate and want that props. preface before the props. Why? Because, I often find myself in the middle of a component where there is the "userId that was passed into the component" versus "the userId that we're currently looking at". In those cases, it's extremely helpful to know which was the "top-level" userId (i.e., the one that was passed into the component) versus the one that we're currently evaluating.

Granted, I'm not claiming that this is always the case with props. Perhaps, it's not often the case. But I very much enjoy looking throughout a component and being able to immediately spot the props - as opposed to any other type of variable.

jackmellis profile image

Maybe it's just me but when I find I'm in a component where I can't tell the difference between props and internal state / computed values, I think my component probably needs a refactor

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

This isn't a straw man - the title of the post is "put down the destructuring hammer". It's a play on the old, "when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".

What they're saying is that destructuring is nice, but not to use it all the time in every situation without thinking about what you're doing, and whether you're going to make things more difficult for someone else to work on down the line.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis

I recently wrote an article exploring the same concept ( JS devs seem to have an aversion to namespacing. Although I destructure often, there are still many times when I purposely choose to use the object without destructuring - because it can make the code far more self-explanatory.

derekmt12 profile image
Derek N. Davis

Great minds think alike I guess! "Well, destructuring effectively robs a variable of its context." So true. And you have a great point about the namespacing. That's even more broad than destructuring, but it makes a lot of sense. I had never thought about it.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi • Edited

I find destruction handy for supplying a default value to an optional field.

async function resolve({
  type = "A",
}) {
  return doResolve(hostname, type);

async function resolve(opts) {
  return doResolve(opts.hostname, opts.type ?? "A");
  // could be worse if ?? is unavailable
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aymericbouzy profile image
Aymeric Bouzy

you can even have a "bug" because of destructuring:

const bob = {
  name: "Bob",
  getName() {

bob.getName(); // "Bob"

const { getName } = bob;
getName(); // undefined
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bdunn313 profile image
Brad Dunn

There's one legitimate case for that when you are able to leverage some of the tree shaking and unused code elimination during bundling - if you set up webpack correctly, for example, you can import individual functions from lodash while still including the whole lodash package in your dependencies, but at bundle time drop all of the unused functions.

Other than this case, I agree that often context is more important - lodash is such a specific example haha

aiosifelisl1 profile image
Andreas Iosifelis • Edited

I love how we can get the extension of a file name like so:

const [, extension] = filename.split('.')
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merri profile image
Vesa Piittinen • Edited
const filename = 'filename.test.js';
const extension = filename.split('.').pop();
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Or if you must have destructure:

const [extension] = /[^.]+$/.exec(filename) ?? [];
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But whichever solution that actually is able to select the very last part will work.

sleavely profile image
Joakim Hedlund

I get the feeling this approach won't work well with files such as You may want to reverse() after splitting and picking the first entry as extension instead.

khorne07 profile image

Good article. Well explained. Thanks

dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser

Blasphemy! J/K I think there's value here. We as devs love our shiny new toys, but sometimes overkill is overkill

arafel profile image
Paul Walker

Good advice; a lot of the examples fall into the "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should" category. :-)

hamatoyogi profile image
Yoav Ganbar

Some good points here.

alimobasheri profile image
MirAli Mobasheri

That's an insightful article! Thanks for sharing.

bytebodger profile image
Adam Nathaniel Davis
