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Spring boot REST- API - configurations (Part 1)

Hello. I've just started a new work-study formation and I learn Java and Spring.
I will use Spring 2.4.7 with Java 11 and Eclipse for this tutorial and I work on MacBook with macOS Monterey version 12.

1). Creating a new workspace:

I open my Eclipse editor and I create a new workspace:

creation of new workspace

After tapping on switch workspace I browse where I want to create my new workspace:

browse a new espace

and I create a new folder where I will create a new workspace:

new space

new workspace browsed

Now I restart Eclipse:

new workspace created

2)Eclipse configuration for this workspace:

I open preferences on Eclipse (if you have Windows the preferences ai in the window tab)

preferences 1

preferences 2

I will use Java 11 this time so I configure my JRE:


To continue I apply this change and I adapt its environment:


In input I write foramtter - this is a plugin that helps to format a code, after I chose Code style formatter and Java Conventions and I edit it:

preferences formatter

I change the ligne wrapping from 120 to 60:

ligne wrapping

and I change a Java Conventions [built-in] to Java Conventions custom

Java Conventions custom

and I press OK.

Next, I write save in input: to format save actions: and I check this and I press Configure...:

save options

And I change the use of parentheses in expressions:

and I press OK.

After that I change the configuration of Javadoc and uncheck it:

And the last change is the spelling which can pollute the work if is always active so I uncheck it also:

spelling uncheck

I apply all these changes and now I can start a new spring project.

See you in the next part.

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