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AWS Certified Solutions Architect

**The Basics (101)
**AWS Global Infrastructure
You will never be tested on numbers (e.g. number of regions/availability zones)



-> Geographical (Brazil, Europe, Asia, etc)). Each region consists of two or more availability zones (AZ). It's not in the same phisical space (if a flooding occurs, other data center can still answer)
Availability zone -> Data center

North America Regions:

US East (Northern Virginia)
US East (Ohio) Region
US West (Oregon) Region
US West (Northern California) Region
AWS GovCloud (US-West Region)
Canada (Central)
Edge Locations -> CDN (content delivery network). They add new ones all the times, over 100 so far. There are many more Edge Locations than Regions.
Main services provided by Amazon. Based on late 2017/early 2018.

Route53: DNS service

EC2: Virtual machines and/or compute

ECS: Virtual machines + docker

Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy apps and don't worry about infrastructure. Good for starting users.

Lambda: Serverless. Upload code, no need to configure any server/virtual machines. Used by Amazon Echo

Lightsail: out of the box cloud. Virtual servers with fixed configs

S3: Virtual disk in the cloud. Object based storage

Glacier: Archive - low cost, but access is not inmediate

EFS: Elastic file service, mount disks without a specific size, automatically (elastically) grows

Storage Gateway: VM in premise with S3 support.

Cache Gateway: cache information from s3 in premise

RDS: Mysql, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Aurora, etc.

DynamoDB: No relational database (NoSQL database)

Red Shift: Data warehouse. Copy your own data to create reports

Elasticache: Cache (can use two technologies: redis or memcached)

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